By I hate my brother - 20/03/2016 18:53 - United States - Lafayette

Today, I just came back from Afghanistan after a 9-month tour, and my brother asked, "How many towelheads did you kill?" He then acted offended when I smacked him upside the head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 952
You deserved it 2 012

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Isa_Marie0113 17

Thank you for your service! Sorry your brother is an insensitive and ignorant butt.


As a towelhead, I approve of your action.

You deserve respect, because you respect our enemies. That takes a big man

mastatheif 8

HOLY FKN SHT YOURE BROTHER MADE A RACIST JOKE TO YOU AND YOU ON,Y? CRUCIFY HIM IMMEDIATELY HOW DARE HE JOKE ABOUT SUCH THINGS HE DESERVED THAT AND TEN MORE SLAPS! WHAT THE FK is wrong with you people his brother made a racist joke, so what? He said it to his brother eho he thought he could trust, if anything his brother should be getting the hate.