By kookoocatlady - 01/11/2016 04:31

Today, I kept my cats indoors to be safe on Halloween, making sure to keep the food full and litter boxes clean. After dinner, I got dressed up and spent two hours at a party. When I got home, there was a large, rancid butt-loaf waiting on my bed. Unappreciative little fuckers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 865
You deserved it 1 618

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you expect your cats to appreciate it when you care for them in the most basic way, then maybe you shouldn't have cats.

They're cats what the hell did you expect... those furry bastards think they are gods


MiraRose 19

Still trying to get over butt-loaf

Chris_1163187222 15