By Anonymous - 16/08/2010 20:20 - United States

Today, I kissed my girlfriend. She threw up in my mouth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 930
You deserved it 6 676

Same thing different taste


mick3yx123x 0

www that's really gross but I hope you tried to make her feel better after; it's not her fault.

ProBakes 0

You should have swallowed it, that way next time you can tell her to swallow ;)

ITrollYourFail 0
dominicanchick27 0

eww that is disgusting how many times did u have to brush ur mouth b4 da taste came out. eww

ProBakes 0
hug_the_wall 0

saying that was pointless. because you did comment.. I am being captain obvious... Disregard.

Optimus Prime and.. Someone else can tell her YDI.

op= oily pop and ydi= you dumb idiot.

Norther 1

hehe, you're not the first to write the wrong stuff there ;-) OP= original poster YDI= You deservd it

oily pop?? wtf does that mean and i thot so for ydi(: haha thnxx(:

uhazsquiads 0

It's a new flavor. You should try it sometime. Delicious.

I am right. And you really should try it. It's not that bad.

theres no safe way around here haha i rele dont believe you

Maybe your local groceries store does. Ask around.

Ali_Br_fml 33

wow, you've never been to a Safeway? really? Wow... idk what to say. Ollie pops rock!!! man, I wish I could go 2 Safeway right now 4 sum (yeah, I never buy just 1. someone always wants the 1 I get & I don't share Ollie pops.)

Ali_Br_fml 33

damn, I hate my iPod and its stupid autocorrect. i meant oily pop. now it gives me a hard time when I wanna write its as possessive & changes it to it's. srsly??? ok... I love my iPod, I just don't always love autocorrect. and oily pop isn't a bad flavor. It's pretty nice once u get over the weird name.

Ali_Br_fml 33

I wonder why some ppl call it pop... I never called it that except 4 the oily pop. It's an acquired taste tho. is it only down south that u call it pop? and how do u make it pleural? I feel like I say it wrong whenever I order... :-/

i sure hope you didn't enjoy that and kept on kissing her.