By Anonymous - 29/12/2011 02:53 - United States
Same thing different taste
By Username - 06/06/2011 04:48 - United States
By Anonymous - 25/01/2012 02:58 - United States
Cooking with Anon
By Anon - 08/11/2023 20:00 - United States
I've got blisters on my fingers
By Owie - 09/11/2023 05:00 - United States
By Lea - 16/01/2012 20:18 - Denmark
By needs_another_loan - 02/10/2009 01:43 - United States
Fire hazard
By ThankfullyNotKickedOut - 26/08/2016 18:17 - United States - Coldwater
By Smoke Undetected - 13/10/2022 17:00 - United States
The Crazy World of Arthur Brown
By Anonymous - 08/03/2024 21:00 - United Kingdom
By Laurence - 07/11/2024 09:00 - United States - Memphis
Top comments
That's unfortunate! Ruined perfectly good food! :( I hope you weren't baking cupcakes because that'll be utterly saddening.
At least it was just your oven. Could have been worse
It's okay. It was probably muffins, which everyone knows are vastly inferior to cupcakes.
Muffins are just ugly cupcakes.
36- for some crunchiness, check the cat litter box. I heard there's chocolate in there too!
*slowly stops biting cinnamon muffin* *feels sad at being the minority* :(
You should have had your little brother pee on it instead.
60- you're a bigger buzz kill than buzz killington
If you seriously own a monocle. My panties just dropped. Lol...
What is this Run Escape you speak of?
I think I'm in love with MrMisfit 0.o
I challenge you to a duel, sir!
That really sux
Really? Is that why it's on FML?
So does your grammar.
Sorry, I meant to say grammar and spelling but silly me accidentally pressed send. ._. I will now go sit in the box of shame.
At least you didn't write "so does you're grammar" xD
Haha! That would be horrific.
58- Do what I do, post every comment you are going to make into Microsoft Word and if there's no green squiggly line under it it's good to go.
Me, I just let me 5 years old cuzin to tipe my comments :D Oh god that hurt to type 0.0
Hooray for masturbation!!
Ok seriously what's this arrow and knee thing? Please explain
*loud whispering voice* Goooooogle Goooooooooooogle
I prefer electric toothbrushes for ************. :)
But be thankful you had a fire extinguisher...without it you could've lost your whole house
WCARlover, you're really pretty and have good taste in music :)
WCARlover, you're really pretty and have good taste in music :)
How? The food inside the oven was on fire. She may have had a smokey house without it, but I highly doubt the metal oven is going to catch fire.
i love how short this fml is
at least your house didn't burn down?
you have a great imagination.
i need to take some of what you're taking,
I'm going to guess..... Pepsi?
Clearly he's on coke! Do you not see his profile picture?!
It's called sarcasm...
I was being sarcastic as well...
82 - well said. !
although, i never asked what he was taking. :b
#77 I have just the concoction. He takes every morning for breakfast 1 large Whiff of a unicorns glittery toots 4 deep fried scales of the Lochness monster 1 tooth from the Troll (meme) And a scoop of vanilla or chocolate ice-cream to wash it all down. Wish to know what he has for lunch?
what's for lunch, what's for lunch? !
What a stupid thing to test it on! Should've used a tree or something.
I think 8 was just kidding... LOL...
75 really?
Lol 75 is a dumbass.
Everyone has moments they forget stuff, don't be so harsh :p
coming from someone with experience, ey?
Watch her get buried in a few hours. Heh
i don't care how it is? shit happens & mistakes are made.
Be careful everyone. We got a badass over here.
At 9 - shut the **** up!
Op should have read the instruction manual.
At least you were prepared. Sucks, but could have been worse!

At least your little brother didn't pee on it.
But be thankful you had a fire extinguisher...without it you could've lost your whole house