By GracelandDave - 19/03/2009 07:10 - United States

Today, I learned I made the dean's honor list for my college for the first time since attending. I asked my dad if he was proud of me, to which he replied, "when you're as successful as your brother, I'll be proud." My brother is a Chippendale's dancer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 76 380
You deserved it 3 975

GracelandDave tells us more.

Okay, just made my profile. One of you asked what my degree will be in. Right now I'm working on a B.S. in Animal Science and will be trying to get my DVM after that. Also, my brother is a male model and has done a lot of work, but tried college for 1 year. All of you who think this is fake, it WAS exaggerated but what he truthfully said was insinuating that my brother is successful and I am a waste of air until I get my degree. My dad isn't an asshole, but my brother does seem to be his golden child. Honestly, I am not bothered by the comment my dad made, I just found it to be funny when he said it. It is true that male models and Chippendales dancers can make a TON of money, but my brother is not at that level exactly. He is doing a stage production of Chippendales ( I'm very proud of him, and as for the ladies wanting his number, I'm sorry, he's married. Thanks for the remorse, the empathy, and the doubt. This site is fun, right?!

Top comments

iluvmycatz 0

I'm pretty sure he's being sarcastic.


1991j 4

I know how you feel about father not being proud. sucks fol

Miss_Carlee_43 4

Wow i think I should tell your brother this story...what's his number?

_Burnett89 9

Lmao who says he isn't successful?

he's already proud then, or really into male strippers