By Anonymous - 06/03/2010 17:13 - United States

Today, I learned it's not a good idea to answer your phone with "F*** off!" just because you're having a bad day. It could just be your pastor on the other end. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 569
You deserved it 49 868

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't know anyone idiotic enough to answer a phone with f*ck off.

Why didn't you look who it was? This is YDI at so many levels it's unreal...


Or you could have not answered the phone and let it go to voice mail.

Haha! You got caught. Maybe you should check caller id before you answer, or better yet find another word to express your frustrations...

sourgirl101 28

You don't confess to a pastor only to a priest. There are some differences. Caller ID or don't answer the phone. I could have been your dying Grandma driven to an early grave.

da_prince 0

it's one thing to have a bad day but why would u answer ur phone like that? Sorry but u deserve that one.

and what if that was your pimp on the other end? you would have recieced a slappin'

I can understand having a bad day, we all have them. but anything would have been better than answering like THAT. YDI.

35- a year from now you will not care nor remember that you were first if you were, get over it

You're stupid. & why would your pastor call you anyway?

That's what you get for going to church!

tokintot07 0

look at your caller id dumbass.

Shouldn't you have figured that out on your own like most other people?