By Anonymous - 06/03/2010 17:13 - United States

Today, I learned it's not a good idea to answer your phone with "F*** off!" just because you're having a bad day. It could just be your pastor on the other end. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 569
You deserved it 49 868

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't know anyone idiotic enough to answer a phone with f*ck off.

Why didn't you look who it was? This is YDI at so many levels it's unreal...


hahah well... good job :] ur pastor deserved it.

why are you commenting then if you don't care about religion this fml is based on religion think about it, ignorant fools. again I wanted to say that it is very common for your pastor to have your number he's part of your church family. FAITH

I didn't know pastors randomly called people up. What does one usually chat about with their pastor? "Oh hi, just making sure you haven't figured out that organized religion is humanity's biggest downfall. Not yet? Great, see you Sunday."

You want to know what you'd chat about with a pastor? Seriously? Ok, well, just examples of some of the (many) conversations I've had with my pastor... - He carried out my wedding & several weeks of marriage counselling prior to the wedding. This consisted of many phone calls and visits to his house. - I'm currently organising some social dinners for people in my church. I've had a few conversations with the pastor about it, and phone calls. - Every few weeks at church he'll just come up for a chat and ask how the week's been, how work is going, or (when I was unemployed) how the job search was going. Pastors are just people... why are they not allowed to call other people??

I wish I could click the YDI button more than once.... You Deserve It!

116- you talk about how your day is going that's why I think it's funny that the OP was having a bad day and her pastor called. he's there to support you and be there for you. again why are people commenting if they don't believe in God. oh 116 you look like a tranny honey, maybe if you did believe in God you didn't have to change sex =)

I didn't know people actually talked to their pastor on the phone

music_METAL 0

I'd atleast say hi or hello to see who it is first. then say **** off!! Dam there's a point where you don't want to get calls on how to extend your vehicle warranty... bastards....

#92 wow u ate ****** making fun off jewish people who cares wut religion u are it doesnt change the person

jab52091 0

I did that to one of my sister's friends once...