By fmldr - 03/12/2009 11:34 - United States

Today, I learned my wife wasn't speaking to me because our daughter told her I kissed another woman. My daughter neglected to mention that this happened when she came to work with me yesterday, and the kiss was between me and the dummy I use to teach my interns CPR. My wife doesn't believe me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 846
You deserved it 2 786

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Panther_fml 0

Bring the dummy home... maybe then she will beleive you! FYL

sportsnut 0

haha, that blows, why not bring your daughter back to work with your wife and have your daughter point out the 'woman' you were kissing


suuurrrreee, you forgot to mention that you tried to put your (insert word here) in her (insert word here)

You mean his huge, throbbing nose in her patiently waiting, innocent little bellybutton?

Blowing on the dummy's stomach in this way woud be an excellent technique- if you can get the victim to laugh, they might spit up what they're choking on.

Both of the women you own are bitches.

I agree that you should bring the dummy home, and ask your daughter - in front of your wife - if that's the woman you were kissing. Alternatively, have your daughter describe exactly what happened to your wife. It sucks to be married to someone so paranoid, but I have to ask if you've cheated before, or done things that would make her believe you've cheated?

The office is no place for a kid, evil snotty little ***** that don't understand that we have to keep order and it's hard to work when you wail like a banshee for 20 minutes straight. This is why children should be locked up till they're 10, allowed on the internet at 16 and even then only on facebook and other childish sites, I digress. "Rugrats" shouldn't be at an office and if you aren't willing to hire a babysitter then you deserve to have your kid taken away from you. Bad parents with your bad excuses and bad parenting.

Listed_fml 0

Well, it might just be that it was "Bring your daughter to work day" as that is a specific day in America where the parents...bring their daughters to work to empower them and show them what it is like to have a career. That may be why the daughter was there and not just because the dad is a horrible parent. It may also be that the daughter is 5 years old...which would be why she would say that "Daddy kissed a lady at work" but not be able to fully explain the situation to the mom. And...children shouldnt be taken away from their parents because they came to the office. The OP never mentions that the girl is an evil brat or is screaming like a banshee.

You get bonus points if you make out with the mannequins at the mall. :)

hassenpfeffermmm 0

Your wife must be so sad. Awww.

wesley215 0

we are all missing the point, the real question is why the hell would you kiss the dummie?

wriptidez 0