By Anonymous - 01/10/2011 06:48 - Australia

Today, I learned no matter how much your friends pressure you, you must never snort lines of curry powder. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 338
You deserved it 67 440

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Top comments

ashleykay94 7
bbailey19 3

Why snort anything up your noise? Slippery slope brah


IFupyourteenlife 5

I got my friends to do that once... :) all I had to do was tell them it was cinnamon :)

Your an idiot. See where that gets you in a few years: no job, education, money, homeless, friends or family, and struggling against an addiction. Nice I bet you made your parents really proud of you now......

NijiNoKo 14

Umm... OP wasn't doing cocaine. It was curry. I really doubt that you can get adiccted to curry... since it, like, BURNS your nose... So yeah... They most likely got a lesson not to give in to peer pressure. It's a good thing! :)

Because doing something stupid after your friends told you to obviously will lead him to be a homeless junkie. Wow. No, that is not how it works. Sure, it was REALLY stupid but snorting curry does not lead people to cocaine and heroin. People get addicted to stuff like that because their friends told them to.

melissaisawsome 0
lollilicker43 0

No rrly?? I thought it was a genius idea......all I can say is dumbshit....

I've done Lucky Charms. I guess you could say I felt the magic.

holy shit thanks for the obvious advice.

CaroAurelia 12

I won't lie; you brought that one on yourself.