By Anonymous - 01/10/2011 06:48 - Australia

Today, I learned no matter how much your friends pressure you, you must never snort lines of curry powder. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 338
You deserved it 67 440

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Top comments

ashleykay94 7
bbailey19 3

Why snort anything up your noise? Slippery slope brah


PinkFun1969 9
FunwithBumperCar 0

At least it wasn't cocaine, you know, the thing people commonly snort in lines.

herpitydurteedur 0

Even if I did show him, his eyes were so swollen and watery he wouldn't have been able to see anything XD

Try snorting Wizz Fizz. Me and a a bug group of my friends tried it during lunch. Then in class the rest if us couldn’t stop snorting and sniffing. God its like cociane.

That doesn't even sound fun. YDI for succumbing to peer pressure.