By Anonymous - 01/10/2011 06:48 - Australia

Today, I learned no matter how much your friends pressure you, you must never snort lines of curry powder. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 338
You deserved it 67 440

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Top comments

ashleykay94 7
bbailey19 3

Why snort anything up your noise? Slippery slope brah


MsMeiriona 2

I'm trying to figure out what you expected, besides blinding pain and a possible trip to the doctor...

Yuck i hate curry..hope it burns for weeks

loserthegreat 11

is that something you really needed to do to learn that it was stupid?

didthatreallyhap_fml 14

curry... its the new gateway drug lol

Surely this is the kind of thing you'd know BEFORE doing it... You deserve it, you retard.

madalynn 11

89- exactly. plus, one person doesn't make up an entire generation. there's a huge spectrum of people out there.

LOL. My brother once snorted salt. A few days later, laundry detergent. When I read this, I clearly remembered his face. YDI, OP.

haha ahhh, I've done that. not a fun time

Or put wasabi in your eyes. No, I have not done this myself, but I have heard of bored idiots doing it.

Goodlife918975 6