By Anonymous - 01/10/2011 06:48 - Australia

Today, I learned no matter how much your friends pressure you, you must never snort lines of curry powder. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 338
You deserved it 67 440

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Top comments

ashleykay94 7
bbailey19 3

Why snort anything up your noise? Slippery slope brah


winter_or 0

YDI for being a dumbass. Really? Curry?

So, basically, you're en-curry-gable...

Would you do it if your friends didn't pressure you?

rene22 18

Don't forget to drink that beaker of acid

Curry is a spice... SPICE!!!!! Common sense says, "DON'T DO IT!!"

I've done the sam thing. Ain't peer pressure a bitch?

StormGirl142 24

You must never snort lines of anything.

I feel your pain... I accepted a challenge to snort a line of cayenne pepper, and it smelled like fire.