By noballs - 18/08/2009 04:24 - United States
foxtmac218 tells us more.
this was me and no they were like 17. im 19 and my boss told me it was bad for buisness to have them loitering in our parking lot so i told them to leave. when i said no balls i figured he would walk away. the guy was strong as hell
Top comments
First. just to piss ya all off ... if your aproaching teenages make sure to a knife m8 they will clear off...
Shut the hell up. At least this guy has a job.
Not common in KY. Next time, say "No Teeth".
I lived in kentucky for 13 years until my dad got a job in VA a few weeks ago. I never heard that statement.
Even if he had "no balls", you most certainly have "no brain".
Yes I'm well aware of that. He yelled "no balls" as if to provoke the person and he got a reaction and he deserved it. It was a stupid thing to do so that's why he has "no brain". I think you need a brain yourself and a pinch of common sense.
this post makes no sense. He sat on your face to show he had no balls??
A ******* thermometer could figure out that he sat on the OP's face to prove that he did in fact have balls, you inane sacrum.
i guess it's supposed to mean dumb ass LOL
this comment wins. a THERMOMETER could figure it out
You, my dear sir, are a ******* beast.
Come on, this has to be fake. "I'll kick your ass"? Nobody just walks up to someone and says that.
Huh, misread the OP. Nevermind. YDI for approaching a bunch of 'hoodlums' and asking them to leave. What did you think was going to happen?
I clicked YDI simply because he used the term "teenage hoodlums." I mean, really? Also, the OP fails at English, so no sympathy here. :)
dude, wtf is your problem? The OP should get major BONUS points for using that term. It's pretty awesome. ^_^ I think YOU are just a hoodlum. DOHOHOHO
Okay, the entire FML is an English fail. I'm not saying the term "teenage hoodlum" is incorrect, just that it's overused and completely ridiculous. The worse English fail comes from lack of subject/verb agreement and the generally horrible syntax of the whole thing.
YDI for not pulling a knife out and stabbing the shit out of the faggots. I do it all the time and scares the living daylights out of these punk ass faggots.
well yea if i saw you pull out a knife and start stabbing a bunch of gay people id be a little scared too. unless you were only stabbing gay people. then id be safe. but still a little scared.
This is why GUNS are AWESOME.
This is why YOU are RETARDED. Ugh. :/
Back when I was sheriff of Rock Ridge, we had a similar problem. A politically connected gang of hoodlums, rustlers, cut throats, murderers, bounty hunters, desperados, mugs, pugs, thugs, nitwits, halfwits, dimwits, vipers, snipers, con men, Indian agents, Mexican bandits, muggers, buggerers, bushwhackers, hornswogglers, horse thieves, bull dykes, train robbers, bank robbers, ass-kickers, shit-kickers and Methodists wanted to bust up the town and run the people out. We didn't need guns to take care of the problem. We simply used paint, lumber and dynamite. Worked like a charm.
LOL #84 that made my day
I'm retarded because I don't think it's wrong to pull a gun to defend yourself? Look at the crime rate in LA where you have to jump through hoops to get a gun, then look at the state of texas before you go off about how "guns are bad". Now shoo.
YDI for not having the balls to protect yourself, pussy.

Even if he had "no balls", you most certainly have "no brain".
"Teenage hoodlums"? How old you you? Just shake your cane at them and let it go.