By imatool - 27/07/2009 17:36 - United States

By imatool - 27/07/2009 17:36 - United States
By Nobody - 27/11/2009 21:39 - United States
By sickandtiredofit - 24/01/2012 19:50 - United States
By Anonymous - 14/07/2021 11:01
By Anonymous - 28/02/2012 02:12 - United States
By logansowow - 25/08/2016 00:37
By scared and alone - 13/03/2015 18:47 - United Kingdom - Preston
By ohyey - 29/01/2011 01:50 - Norway
By MrGullible - 17/04/2019 00:00
By papersofdivorce - 31/01/2013 17:08 - Peru - Lima
By Crazy Crazy Crazy - 13/09/2013 00:01 - Canada - Burlington
agreed 100% the bitch.
Join the slapahoe tribe first (love this comment cause it applies across the board)
woooooooooooooooooowwwwwwww...... it took u a road trip to figure out she haz been cheeting.... def agreed!!!!!!
Cut your losses, and while you are at it... cut her too.
No 42, the road trip was the time she cheated. You can't read.
On the plus side, I guess the counseling helped her overcome her disinterest in sex. ^^
My parents haven't had sex for 14 years...
I agree. YDI for letting a marriage go two years without sex. You must be a huge pussy. Your wife is clearly many leagues above you and you were just glad she let you look at her. She probably walked all over you the entire marriage and you were grateful she was willing to mary you for your money. How did it take two years for you to realize something was wrong?
Seems kinda... tool-ish, no?
you guys are complete douches
She meant she had no desire for sex . . . WITH YOU! Now, go out and get you some!
My thoughts exactly. DTMFA and sue for the house and boat!
:/ That really sucks. I hope maybe things could be resolved, somehow. Maybe it awoke her desire to have sex.. with you?
lol @Cormophyte. I felt e-love. *Quite* well put. Steph... seriously. Slippery slope you're going down there. Love doesn't require a catalyst. Infatuations do. They also like justifications. Just ask anyone in the domestic violence department.
haha Divorce divorce divorce, leave her with nothing
Did you really think this wasn't inevitable? YDI for waiting TWO YEARS before getting counseling, and acting surprised when your wife cheated on you.
HDI Because the OP didnt lay pipe in 2 years FHL because she beat him to it.
They may have tried other things desire for sex can also be due to physical hormones. I had that issue after I switched birth control...and if you don't know about it you're not gonna suspect that your BC makes you not want to have also took us like 6 months to figure out what was wrong. I switched BC again and then it was all good. But I do agree that two years does seem like an awful long year I'd understand...but not two.
Know what I love? In reading through these comments and from past experiences with people's attitudes toward cheating I get the general impression that a lot of people (usually women) think that when a woman screws around it's because she's unfulfilled and the guy should fix the relationship. But these same people are usually the first to throw a wild badger at any guy who dares to so much as spank it to some internet ****, let alone withhold sex for two years while (at least) having sex on their COUPLE'S THERAPY GETAWAY.