By whatrights - 12/07/2009 08:59 - United States

Today, I learned that "Officer, I do not consent to any searches" means "Officer, please handcuff me, I am trying to be difficult" in cop speak. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 462
You deserved it 23 818

Same thing different taste

Top comments

skullbuster 0

So you clicked either the 'YES' or the 'NO' button on this one? Really? When is your guest spot on Oprah? Can I send you a self-addressed stamped envelope so I can get your autograph? I'm going to frame that shit and take down my autographed cigar from Bill Clinton and put your's in it's place...


Duh. If u don't have anything to hide, it shouldn't be a problem.

Raivyn_Grimm 9

What do you expect? Denying consent to a search only takes away the cops right to search you then and there- if he really wants to search you, the next step is to cuff you and take you to the station and get you a lawyer

Raivyn_Grimm 9

Actually, my last comment was unneccessary. I think the NSA has been commenting throughout the whol comment section on this one.

JCal585 8

If you have nothing to hide, why not consent? The best way to keep yourself out of trouble is to cooperate with the police. They will always win if you don't. And if you have something to hide, if the cop has probable cause to search your vehicle, he's going to find it. And if you have something to hide, I would be willing to bet that the police officer has probable cause. So just tell him what you have and make his job easier- he or she is just trying to make a living.

It means that in normal person speak too. If you've nothing to hide why refuse?

You know they have to do that if they feel a legitimate reason to search right? It's not you being difficult you're invoking your constitutional right and he's just following protocol.

Most states have a standing law about that. It's that if you are the driver of any vehicle you get into you automatically consent to random stops and searches. It's a ridiculous law and they abuse that.

If a cop wants to search you, let them. What, did you have drugs on you? If you say that you don't want to be searched it's highly suspicious