By Zapped - 17/05/2010 11:09 - United States
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - 26/04/2014 11:36 - United States - Alpharetta
By lectro - 23/11/2008 08:22 - France
By Shocked - 18/12/2009 04:25 - United States
By monkeycannon7 - 24/04/2012 16:36 - United States - Woodbridge
By numbtongue - 13/03/2015 04:19 - New Zealand - Dunedin
By heheheh - 22/08/2011 06:43 - Canada
By Anonymous - 11/01/2011 06:38 - United States
By bobby - 12/06/2010 22:13 - United States
By ow - 17/01/2010 05:25 - United States
By Pierceew - 19/09/2009 05:22 - United States
Top comments
ouch! But you could have thought of that yourself.
your bunny is ugly
your bunny is ugly
that sucks and hurts. plus, your bunny isn't attractive
I think it's a cute bunny :)
You find other bunnies attractive?
Aww I'm sorry that you got your hopes up for pictures of half naked girls and all you got was a bunny. Maybe you should try a dating website. Thanks #22, I'll tell him when I get home :)
Ha ha that's how I test batteries too! Luckily when I had my tongue pierced I didn't come across any batteries that needed testing lol
wow holy good god you have no brains. let me gets tons of metal things attached to my dick and see if getting a hand job will feel any good
I think your bunny is cute too :) Whats wrong with you people? Picking on a cute little animal for absolutely no reason?
I feel for you OP. To everyone else, apparently you're all perfect and never accidently made a careless mistake, especially in a habitual routine. Please.. go to an island, all to yourselves, so your pure and perfect bloodlines not be corrupted by us mere -humans-.
your bunny is ugly
metal, WATER and electricity. it's like a frankenstein waiting to happen.
ydi for piercing your damn inside of your mouth. earings and belly button rings are most acceptable IMO any other place is just...ugh
next time, try sticking your tongue ring in the thing you plug cords into ;)
Why is everyone talking about a bunny?! OP... Use some common senseee!
op do the world favor and pierce your brain with a bullet :)
How did your hockey game go coconuts!!?
ahw 75 I love your picture
My hockey game was great... We were down 6-4 with a minute left in the third when I got one through the 5 hole with 53 seconds left.... And my buddy got one in with 7 seconds left to go to Overtime... In OT I scored the winning goal a few minutes in, it was a blast. We came back from being down 6-2 at the start of the third. :)
that is one ****** ugly bunny
# 46 yeah good movie reference
Yay coconuts! Good job, I love watching games like that... it gets so intense!! The olympic game for the gold had my heart racing in OT! Congrats on the epic win! And #100 I care about his story so stfu and mind your business!
How is that a bullshit hockey story? Because I scored twice? It wasn't even that impressive, it's not like we're in the pro's, none of us are that "amazing" we're just having fun.. I hardly made much of an inpact till then... Or are guys not allowed to play sports anymore unless you're in the NHL? Seriously... If I had been like "yeah, I scored 6 goals by myself and never left the ice because I'm that good, I would understand. Otherwise it sounds like you're just being a douche because it makes you feel better trying to be a "tough" guy on the Internet... And cukkey, I've been around.. Send me an e-mail, unless they're not going through again, then I dunno... I don't think I can PM you still.
I this the bunny is cute.
"Your" stupid too, 98 :/
I think your bunny looks legit as **** :D
a bunny is a bunny. they all rock . because bunnies are just pimp like that.
if that picture is you, you are so pretty. and I don't mean that in a pervy stalkerish way, cause I'm a straight girl.
that was to littlemissdqgirl.
i like ur bunny :)
Your bunny is a bunny.
people never learn..... listen to ur mom when she says dont put shit in ur mouth the bunny is cute u all are trippin
26 just shit on all you ****** haters. Lynch yourselves now.
the bunny wins
that bunny RULES and I agree 140
you guys know 3 people die every year in Australia alone because they were licking batteries? it throws off your heart rythym. why would you want to lick a battery anyway?
Spermdump, your hair is amazing!!!! I've been wanting to dye my hair that colour for eons! (how badly do you think I'd have to fry my dark brown hair with bleach to get it that shade of blue?)
what's with u guys &the bunny
bunnys own. no exceptions. also, i'm relatively new to FML so I'm gonna have to ask... mercy, what's on ur head?
I would do terrible things to your bunny.
your busy is actually ugly
I've never had so many people visit my profile within twelve hours before!
#5 Bunnicula is going to get you
your bunny is cute
awesome reference!! #187
that's amazing, you're a shit for brains
#5 Bunnicula is going to get you
I'm just wondering... what else does OP put in her mouth to test?
Never the less, that must have hurt like hell.
op is some sorta retard
the OP basicly electrocuted himself -.-
no because if he electrocuted himself, then he would be dead.
no u dont die by being electrocuted thts how some ppl r struck by lightning more than once it messes up ur nervous system dependin on the severity
Being SHOCKED without dying is not electrocution. It's just... getting electrified. Electrocution = ELECTRicity + exeCUTION Saying OP was electrocuted without dying is like saying he was executed without dying. If you don't die, it isn't execution. Get it?
Electrocution - the stopping of life (determined by a stopped heart) by any type of electric shock. You should maybe look up the definition of things before you speak. Now you just look stupid by making up your own meanings.
I admit I didn't word that correctly, so what I meant was not clear. I know not all electrocutions are executions-- very few are. A lot of electrocutions are simply accidents. But all electrocutions are *deaths*. That was the point I was trying to make. I used the -cution part of the word execution, because it helps people remember that it kills. It was meant as a memory aid, not a definition. I thought seeing the words broken down would help that guy way up there ^ realize what several people were trying to explain.
I posted my comment at the same time as you Jane so I didn't intend that comment towards you. I was referring to the idiots who think that being shocked with electricity means being electrocuted. Unless your heart stops beating after the "shock", you have not been electrocuted.
66, 91, 109 - Well done, you can collect your fail from the lobby on the way out.
says sgt slaughter kill em allllllll
Wow you're dumb.
no shit, Sherlock. reply: damn you, Watson! I'M HIGH ON LIFE!!!
heyy! that's my nickname^^
You had to get your tongue pierced and lick batteries? Well, someone wants you dead.

ouch! But you could have thought of that yourself.
that's amazing, you're a shit for brains