By Pita - 04/12/2010 20:35 - United States

Today, I learned that the cute pet name my boyfriend has been calling me for the past month is actually an acronym for "pain in the a**". FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 378
You deserved it 6 579

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sourgirl101 28

I thought "pita" was a type of bread. Now it means pain in the ass? I will never be able to eat my gyros the same way.(:


lilmisslovely13 15

ahahahahaha u totally just made my day!!

so you have the same nickname as a pita bread??

redmnky21 8

well... someone doesn't play world of warcraft lololol

lol I thought that was just an Italian thing

Haha, that's not bad. My cousin's nickname is Pita and I'm Pita 2. haha. oh well.

bizarre_ftw 21

Start calling him nify No Intercourse For You