By Anonymous - 03/11/2014 15:54 - United Kingdom - Bath

Today, I learned that the house I've been living in and paying rent for the past two months was never advertised as vacant. I learned this when the actual homeowners walked in, and called the police for an "intruder." FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 130
You deserved it 3 640

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Show them the lease you signed...that should clear things up

How did this even happen? :/ I hope you got it sorted OP and you have a place to live now.


Hopefully they understand what happened, and that you get your money back.

The only way they'd be able to get their money back if they're able to track down whoever illegally rented to them and sue. Hopefully they are able to at least get their moving and legal expenses paid... actually preferably their are no legal expenses, with any luck once everything is explained the landowners won't (or can't) press charges since OP was as much a victim as they were.

Every FML needs a follow up, especially this one..

how does this not get noticed for two months? were they on holiday? that really sucks anyway. hope you got it all sorted out and the person who leased the place to you is in trouble.

it was probably a summer or winter house.

sdlr32787 18

you are like"the guy on the couch" from half baked lmao

That's terrible! I'm so sorry, I hope everything gets sorted out.

If it was never advertised as vacant, how did you choose it?

The pictures on the walls and clothes hanging in the closet should have been a give away.

It could've easily been a vacation home with no clothes or family pictures.

Craigslist, right? And you paid by western union?

Wow that's shit! Hopefully you can get them to understand