By ballplaya52 - 08/12/2013 05:04 - United States
ballplaya52 tells us more.
Hey all! OP here. I just a wanted to clear a few things up. I know the wording may have been confusing and given you all the wrong image. When I said that she'd embarrass me by singing in public, I literally meant singing. To me. About me. In public. Loudly. Like not even a real song. But when I read over it when it got published, it sounded to me like people could interpret it like she would sing karaoke or something. Anyways it only lasted a minute or so so it wasn't that bad, but we did get some stares. And for those comments saying to live a little, I don't sing or dance in public as a personal rule because I'm not any good at either. Anyways thanks to the moderators for publishing this and I will see you guys around on this awesome website :)
Top comments
that is the type of mom I hope to be one day! :P
Am I the only one curious as to what OP did to have to have their mom embarrass them? It must have been pretty pad, but YDI OP, especially with that attitude.
I'm not curious. Embarrassing our children is a parental right. What they probably did was "be the child". :)
Join in next time. Have fun.
The less you look like you care, the less effect it will have, and the less she will think that it is an appropriate punishment. Aside from that, you asked for it, literally, so YDI.
And you didn't join her? I would've joined her
They will always go for it...never give that answer...
It depends on the setting. There are some places where it would just be annoying to the public to burst out in song. However, if you're out in the park or something like that, who cares? People can sing if they want to. One should try to be respectful and not annoy everyone around them but people also have the right to sing, and if it bothers you, either go somewhere else or deal with it. To be honest, I'd be pretty annoyed too if my mother did that in public, although she never would, haha. Its best to just stay away from people who get on your nerves. If they're your family and you can't stay away, then try choosing when you are around them.
my mom does that all the time, I feel your pain
you should have know better than to dare her to do anything.
Live a little OP
If my mom was that awesome id probably join her