Kids grow up so fast
By bella - 08/12/2013 01:07 - United States - Edinburg
By bella - 08/12/2013 01:07 - United States - Edinburg
By Anonymous - 21/08/2021 06:01
By ThatsNotRight - 26/01/2009 02:51 - United States
By Babysitter Probs - 27/11/2016 05:58 - United States - Fresno
By epistaxis - 29/01/2009 02:31 - Australia
By Foreveralone17362562 - 16/04/2014 02:18 - Canada - Cold Lake
By tryena - 28/02/2009 10:59 - United States
By wtf bro - 20/05/2015 08:45 - Australia - Canberra
By Anonymous - 29/08/2015 23:01 - United States - Parkersburg
By gloria77 - 23/01/2012 23:26 - United States
By BrianTheLion89 - 06/06/2012 21:37 - United States
Because of their parents...
Or lack thereof..
Children's choices are not entirely linked to how they're raised. We are all born with different personalities and grow up having our own wants and needs in life. A childs parents could be the best parents in the world, tell them what's right and wrong, be there for them, and the child will STILL make their own decisions. We know nothing about OP's aunt or uncle, they could be the kindest most wonderful parents. But we don't know that. You can't always just assume when a child does something bad, It's because of how they were raised or how their parents are. Kids of all ages are capable of making their own choices and acting on them, even if they don't know what's quite right or wrong or dont even know what the hell they're doing. It's THEIR choice. THEY decided on doing it.
And in NO way shape or form am I defending the ****** in the making. I am just making a general statement. I think that it is absolutely terrible how children are doing these kinds of things. But we can't always blame the parents. Especially if we know NOTHING about them.
It's not really surprising when even car and perfume adverts depict sex. Sex sells, just sadly impacts the kids in these ways
I got my first bj when I was 12, and the girl who gave it to me was 12. She is not a ***** and has been in a relationship for the past few years. She never was a *****, so don't be so quick to judge.
Stop **** shaming. Yes, 12 is much too young for this kind of stuff. But using the word **** or ***** implies promiscuity in anyone is a bad thing, which it isn't.
Oh and also stop blaming "today's youth". We all know there are idiots in all periods of history.
A 12 year old giving a ******* is of course not a *****(#39), not in any sense of the word ....and I presume people who are in relationships can't be ****** or promiscuous either? People who value their relationship wont, but the ones that don't...well they wont change just because they are in a relationship dear.
#45 exactly, idiots have been around forever, in all times and eras. They just haven't gotten the same time of day or publication the new breeds of idiots do. Back in the old days say the 60's, you were considered a retard and casted out of society, the cave men, you can't hunt you can't live is the bottom line there and you get the point. There isn't enough retard police here so they can flourish and become the pimple on society's ass crack that eventually will spread to a rash. We are too slacked on education here in north America so that rash on societies ass will spread because we don't care. And eventually we will have idiots calling the shots and people with a brain hiding in the alleys
How much do you wanna bet that #39 made that pathetic story up
18- it's not always the parents. My parents raised me and my sister the same way. I turned out fine. I work two jobs and have my own apartment at the ripe age of 23. However, My sister is 20, a single mother, barely works, is lazy, and lives with my parents. She doesn't help them with the bills or with household chores. She also expects them to babysit her daughter everyday, even when she's home. She treats our family like shit yet my parents put up with it. So as you can see it's not always the parents. It's the actual person themselves.
No one is born with a personality, the majority are born with equal mental capacity and develop the personality as they grow up.
im concerned for man kind because we are quick to judge and say shit like, "kids now always get into trouble". You know what? people used to get thrown in to a river or hung in public, and it was perfectly fine. And now parents get worried that a game or show will make their child violent.
Around age 12 the peer group has more influence over the parents, in adolescent social development.
When I was 4, I loved Pee Wee's Playhouse. Looking at episodes now, that show wasn't good for children to watch even if the majority of the audience was still in pull-ups and couldn't comprehend the innuendos.
72, have you ever seen a baby? Watched a baby grow up? I wouldn't have believed the personality they are born with if my niece hadn't lived at home with me. The best example of the personalities of babies is how often they cry. Some cry about EVERYTHING, and others are really chill and easy going. Some are happy around large groups and some hate meeting new people. Babies are all different and have different personalities.
An individual has every right to sleep around all they want and behave in whatever manners they see fit as long it doesn’t cross a certain line but this idea that we all have to affirm other people’s shitty choices is wrong. I used to work in health care and my gf worked at a free clinic in the city. The rise in STD's is frighting and being promiscuous is definitely dangerous.
There are always idiots in every generation, yes, but in this generation there is an increasing problem in tweens becoming addicted to ****, etc. A lot have smartphones/tablets with incredibly easy access to things they shouldn't see at that age, and unfortunately parents think their little darlings would never dream of looking at such things.
Media, games, peer pressure, lack of parenting ect...
Miley Cyrus.
Lack of parenting and discipline
you are the only person I feel that made sense of everything.
31 you just described my situation in ways. I had less parental interference than my father did. I'm not down talking my father he really is a good person but he made some dumb choices at the age I am at now and way earlier. However he told me that a lot of it was actually linked to my grandparents being so controlling and him being rebellious. After I was born he turned his life around. I suppose having kids can be the best thing in the world for some people while for others who make the same mistakes it's the worst of ideas.
society is ****** and it can't be 100% put on the parents...but this confirms it..I really hate our world.
Not only should you wonder why they're sexually active, but also who the hell is having sex with kids this young?
some kids legitimately have NO IDEA what they're talking about. i recently read a note written by a 14 year old girl to a 16 year old male family member of mine, about becoming a stripper when she "grows up." she says her stripper name will be SKIN FLUTE. i almost DIED laughing.
@102 of course, but compare 12 year old boys to 12 year old girls, they're usually still busy with thinking girls are stupid. 12 year old girls are easier victims for older guys.
I find it ironic how your username is sexy slayer. Haha
They grow up so fast. But seriously, tell their parents.
Please tell me you told your aunt and uncle. They might like to know their kids are doing this.
Don't even trip, OP. Sex should be saved for that someone special. Unlike your cousins, who probably have STDs already.
Or soon to be mommies
What happened to the innocence that used to be prominent in our culture? Now it seems like all kids want is sex and money, especially ones that are way to young for it.
The media happened. Media that sexualizes women so much that young girls feel that they have to do this stuff to be accepted in society. The fact that most of the comments in here are calling the girls ****** and say nothing about the guys in question just proves my point.
we started listening to what the kids were talking about. the innocence was only in our minds.
This really makes me wonder how these kids were raised. I'd say tell the parents, but I highly doubt they'd really do anything useful to keep their children away from that kind of stuff.
No they're just *****
Welcome to the new generation. we're ******
People have being doing these kids of things since man kind was around. People used to have kids at 12-18 and if you didn't then you were looked down upon. The only reason you think we are ****** is because of technology and knowing how many people do things. Lack of it in history kept people from from knowing everyone's business. But now not only does news travel by word of mouth but by texting, tweeting, Facebook, etc. So yes, it does seem like all young kids are sexually active but in reality they aren't. Just like every generation for the past thousands of years, some of them will be more promiscuous than the rest. It was just them, no one but their town knew it.
Thank you for saying it #64. I'm really tired of people saying that this generation is worst than those before, which isn't the case. People now are just a lot more open when it comes to anything sexual.
Blame it on media or technology all you want, but every year for two decades now the percentage of government subsidy dependant single mothers increases and the educational system results decline. The numbers don't lie, this generation simply isn't managing to make wise choices or become productive members of society as well as generations before them. "In this economy" has become a universal catch all excuse for widespread failure for almost 7 years now, with no signs of its impending demise.
Yes, but how are kids going to raise kids in a society where making minimum wage isn't going to be enough to survive?! That's what's outrages to me. Before it was different: education didn't matter as much, you could have a decent paying job without graduating high school, and it would help to support your family. Now, you can't even work at certain places without a high school diploma.
Yes, girls did tend to have kids at young ages awhile ago. But then again they were usually married off and to older men as well, and they usually supported their offspring. Should we also use your argument to also excuse pedophiles? Y'know, since it used to be ok to marry and impregnate young girls back in the oldy moldy days? What people did over a hundred+ years ago is a crummy argument for why it should be ok for a 12 year old to get it in behind the bleachers during lunch.
#132: High school diploma? Nowadays, you're lucky if you can find a barely-enough-to-live-on wage, even with a college degree (this coming from a B.S. graduate making $10/hr for two years straight as a research scientist). Academic inflation: it's real.
where are the parents?
Don't even trip, OP. Sex should be saved for that someone special. Unlike your cousins, who probably have STDs already.