By siannacasey - 03/07/2011 20:53 - United States

Today, I left my bedroom window open to let in some fresh air while I slept. A skunk got in and sprayed my room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 389
You deserved it 8 678

Same thing different taste


Well now you can smoke weed in there and use that excuse. Lucky.

did u at least shoot the bastard after

just be glad it was a skunk and not a murdering rapist :)

Buttercup1110 0
VeilOfVelvet 0

I definitely call BS on this one. Sure, a skunk could have wondered in accidentally, but it wouldn't just randomly decide to spray your room for no reason and then leave (assuming you didn't leave out a part of the story where you woke up, freaked out, and scared it which would have caused it to spray). Skunks only spray if they feel that they are threatened, and they will try to run away first before they get on the defensive. I was walking out to my car early one morning and came across a skunk just a couple feet away from me--he just ran as soon as he heard me approaching without even looking back. I'm guessing a skunk could have just sprayed nearby (or gotten run over) and the smell eventually got into your room.

TongueRing 1

A skunk wouldn't just wonder in an spray for no reason. They only do that if they feel threatened and will run before they defend themselves. A skunk probably sprayed nearby and the smell got in your room. But that really sucks.

why didn't you have a screen on your window? the skunk wouldn't have gotten in your room if you had had one...unless there was a big hole in the screen or something.

where the hell do you live that a skunk comes through your window? I Wana live there. ;D