By sad - 07/09/2011 05:05 - Canada

Today, I left my book on the plane after I'd finished reading it. The flight attendant thought I'd forgotten it, so he chased me through the airport, past security, past customs, and past baggage claims. I didn't have the heart to tell him I left it on purpose. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 073
You deserved it 46 037

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Suzumebachi 5

Because it's no rarity that when you're done with a book that you just leave it wherever you finished it -_-

How is this F Your Life? That guy just chased you all the way through the airport for no reason.

all of you people are stupid for saying stuff like "leaving a book is dumb". the op did it because he enjoyed the book and wanted some fortunate person to stumble across it and enjoy it as well. many readers do this.

missnuthin 10

that's dumb. it's not a bus, the flight attendants have to clean the plane before a new flight is run. he was the only one who was going to find it anyway, and obviously didn't want it! this wasn't a nice surprise, it was you being rude and leaving your stuff behind for an employee of the air line to clean up. sheesh. leave it in the waiting area next time!

It's called a nook bro. Dont just waste print

Oh, I did that once with a random book my grandparents tried to give me. It was quite something hearing them say "someone left 'einstein's refrigerator' at security" over loudspeaker

username3000 0