By Ants everywhere but my pants - 19/05/2016 02:35 - United States - Sun City Center

Today, I left the windows open because I live in Florida without air conditioning because the asshole landlord won't fix it. There was nice cool air from the rain. I've killed about 100 flying ants that have made their way inside. Now I have a hot house with closed windows and flying ants. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 101
You deserved it 1 547

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Invest in a window screen. Just because the landowner won't improve your quality of living doesn't mean you're bound to his whims :)

There's only one thing you can do now. And it involves fire... a lot of it


To reduce the temperature inside our room, Me and my roommate cover the windows with a wet bedsheet folded twice and a table fan infront of it. It works fine.

Yeah, in FL too. Bugs everywhere, I swear it's been raining all week.

arsinic 18

I agree with #10, friends of mine have been in similar situations to this and if you withhold the rent until they fix the problem it will get done.

This is why I live where the air hurts my face :)

You can always put more clothes on if it's cold, but you can't take enough off if it's hot!

Not sure if it works as well with flying ants, but fire, sugar, carpenter, and 'crazy' ants all hate the smell of white vinegar. It erases the pheromone trails they leave to navigate, too, so they literally get lost and die. It also helps deodorize the house. Fill a spray bottle with the stuff- diluted works too, though you have to either spray heavier or more often- and just spray everything with it. If nothing else, it should hopefully keep them at bay while you get the leverage to make your landlord repair the AC and call a bug infestation specialist. Also, the wet sheet over the window is a good idea. If you secure it on the top and bottom you can use it to screen out bugs, smoke and even pollen if the cloth you use is fine enough.

Fix it yourself, submit the bill to your landlord and subtract it from your rent.

I know in Nevada that if your landlord doesn't provide such basic services or otherwise makes the place unliveable, you aren't liable for rent until it's fixed. perhaps Florida has something similar?

You don't even have screens on your windows? Time to take your landlord to court.