By sel2207 - 06/01/2009 03:27 - France

Today, I lent my brand new earrings to one of my friends. Everyone told her that they are pretty, and look really great on her. I've been wearing them for the last 3 weeks, and no one has ever mentioned them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 167
You deserved it 2 574

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cannothandle2nd 0

I say I want a cat, suddenly my sister wants one and everyone is all over her new cat obsession. I say I like this poem and suddenly it's on her myspace and everyone leaves comments saying where did she find it and what good taste she has. I let her borrow my favorite dress and she uses it in a damn myspace photo and she has twelve picture comments saying how gorgeous she looks in that dress. FML.


Azellia 15

Sorry OP, I know how you feel

koolkat27 13

Well, if you've been wearing them the past 3 weeks, the earrings aren't exactly brand new...

koolkat27 13

Well, if you've been wearing them the past 3 weeks, the earrings aren't exactly brand new...

omgilikeroses 3

How were they brand new If you wore them for 3 weeks?

Maybe because you wear them all the time..?

TurtleLightning 7

Not really brand new though are they if you been wearing them nonstop for weeks.