By Anonymous - 28/11/2011 03:00 - United States

Today, I let my boyfriend sleep over at my house for the first time. Upon arriving, he tossed his stuff on the floor and said "I gotta take a piss, where's your shower?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 634
You deserved it 4 156

Same thing different taste

Top comments

JinxosGirl87 0

Tell him it's right next to the toilet, where he will be taking said piss.

fluffy_nuggets 0

At least he didn't say, "Hey I gotta take a shit, where's the shower."


bamagrl410 31

He "slept over your house"? How does one go about doing this? I must try it. Don't mind me, just trolling.

Jason199615 0

tell him not to pee in the bed! I have a feeling he would

Learn to take a joke, he was probably kidding.

Or maybe since a shower and a toilet would be in the same room, only asking for one would be fine...

lexiepullen 7

It's still rude to throw your shit down and say "I gotta take a piss" before saying hello especially if it is the first time he's slept over. My boyfriend an I have been together two years and he while he jokes around he would never behave that way.

tell him your shower is not available at the moment and he should leave his message in the toilet near it.

FYLDeep 25

Last guy I remember having such an uncanny interest in the shower worked for Penn State.

Coacy 6

I've heard too many Penn state jokes...

FYLDeep 25

Why, are they hitting a little to close to home with you?

Too* haha just had to do it to a frequent commenter, forgive me. =)

I hope these jokes never get old. Just like Sandusky wishes those children won't.