By TheStripedBeatle - 26/06/2011 01:27 - United States
TheStripedBeatle tells us more.
To clarify, they left me. They weren't even hiding.
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Show it anywayMine says I was first because the first two FML's that just appeared both had 0 votes. I guess more than one person got the "first" vote.
I would've ate the all the food hehe
I played hide and seek with Osama bin laden, he won round 1 to 1537735. but I won round 1537736
Like Antoine Dodson, We gon' find you :)
104 I thought you were replying to the comment right above you which makes it sound hilarious!
omg 122 ur right that's even funnier then the actuall post
that's such an old trick
You have a bad day? You wanna talk about it?
Ouch, FYL. Time for new friends.
man you must be a horrible seeker
haha me and my friends do this to each other all the time, we try and talk the person into a situation where we have the chance to book it away when they're not looking. it's actually quite entertaining. we always come back and find each other after a few minutes though and congratulate each other on a joke well played. if the friends never came back though then yeah, FYL and get some better friends.
108 I've seen 77's picture on a wallpaper app, so how can it be your cat? Did you submit it to a wallpaper app?
Eeeeeeeee first time being first
No, you're third.
mine also said I was first, it's said the first two had 0 votes.
Eeeeeeeee first time being first
No, you're fourth.
Eeeeeeeee first time being first
Nope you're 5th.
It was bad enough when your first comment was about being "first".
Is it just me or has there been several variations of this on FML before?
-silently waits for comment to be moderated - :)
Yeah but maybe there is just a lot of ppl getting ditched by their "friends" : (
If you classify those people as friends, I suggest finding new and better ones.
or you should try looking harder. the world is your playground.
or maybe they were hiding really well?
To clarify, they left me. They weren't even hiding.
Hey, 75 is OP. You should get new friends
well the next time you see them simply walk away like a boss
Please learn how to spell. Falt? Seriously? You forgot a letter. Lmao
29- It's a lemon...
****** lemon awesome
Had you turned thirty, flirty, and thriving when you opened your eyes as well?

If you classify those people as friends, I suggest finding new and better ones.
Had you turned thirty, flirty, and thriving when you opened your eyes as well?