By sleepless - 18/02/2012 10:07 - United States

Today, I let my little sister sleep in my room because she had a nightmare. She is currently snoring like an overweight 40 year-old man with a cold. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 759
You deserved it 3 529

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Bring in an overweight 40 year old man with a cold and then she'll leave.


FlonkertonChamp 6

carry her to her own room. that was sweet of you though.

Sounds like she needs to have her tonsils taken out.

geod69 8

How do you know what a 40 year old man sounds like with a cold

Guess it is better to find out now than later. She should consult a specialist. Not normal for a young child to be that loud at such a young age.

hahaleym 0

She is obviously a 40 year old man in disguise.

mynameispickle 0

At least it's a cold not the flu

#85 is right, it could have been worse? lol

I don't know whats going on with kids and snoring. Some years ago, my 10-yo cousin was sleeping over. He snored so much that I hardly closed an eye the entire night.

WTF, don't let ur sis sleep in ur room no more