Over and out
By hatinthelife - 18/02/2012 06:34 - United States

By hatinthelife - 18/02/2012 06:34 - United States
By Imrickar - 30/04/2011 05:06 - United States
By Anonymous - 14/10/2018 03:00
By Not laughing - 24/06/2023 13:00 - Canada - Vancouver
By Anonymous - 05/04/2013 22:58 - Israel - Netanya
By Anonymous - 23/05/2019 02:00
By anonymous - 14/02/2011 13:45 - United States
By fuck russia and fuck georgia too - 09/03/2014 18:38 - Azerbaijan
By madseason - 07/05/2012 00:13 - United States
By Anonymous - 25/10/2012 05:45 - United States
By amiadori - 01/05/2009 09:50 - United States
On her behalf, practice makes perfect.
I'm sure she already knows it's cheating. She's just a wh*re.
I wouldn't wanna kiss her
Totally agreed with #100 .... No kissing furthermore lol
Guess you never heard the saying "Eatin' aint cheatin"
**** another woman. Ensure that she walks in on you. Explain that you weren't making love, you were just having sex, and therefore it is not cheating. Worst case scenario she dumps you and you're rid of the bitch, best case scenario she joins.
Ha ha I get ur joke
Your ******* gross!
No one ever said that she did it
She sounds like a fascinating and interesting person. can I have her number? :)
hmmmm, not the kind of girl i'd want to be going out with. sorry dude...
By her logic, receiving them must not be cheating either. Just go with it!
i was thinking the same thing! but at the same time, i was telling myself, probably not the best thing to suggest as relationship advice.
Haha yeah I agree with pentium.
Should also tell her that receiving anal is a great way of preserving her virginity.
You shouldn't have bothered explaining it to her. Just show her where the door is and tell her not to bother coming back. Fyl for having a dumb and slutty girlfriend.
No, just no.
LOL win
shiiiiit, eating aint cheatin! haha
You've read my mind!
Or if you get ******** from other girls.
even better
Ha, what an idiot. I feel sorry for you man.
that blows.
I see what you did there :D
No, apparently she does that
I see what u did there. Nice!
I never did get how people can say they deserved things like this..
Because you should be able to know a person before you meet them. That's what I always see people saying on these types of fmls.
Yea because everyone is able to tell that someone is going to turn out to be a cheater when they get to know a person. Try explaining your logic to married couples with kids who come to find that their spouse is cheating on them.
How you suppose to know then if you haven't met them?
Wow, did you guys just read 102's first sentence? 102 was explaining the reason she has seen people say "YDI", and you all took it as her reason.
102. You're retarded. Youre probably the type of girl he talking about to. Gotta explain to your dumb ass that having sex is cheating.
Prolly directly posted without reading all of the comments.
This is why people click YDI on these types of fmls, because people don't know how to read.
I wouldn't say that he deserves it, but you do have to discuss what you consider cheating in a relationship with your partner. Everyone has a different definition.
259, I agree to some extent. No person should ever hear the words "so if I have a guy *******, is that cheating?" let's just all assume when in a relationship any sexual contact other that your partner is cheating, and that includes kissing. If you love someone why would you feel the need to kiss someone else?
Me either. A lot of the "you deserve it" clickers are people who are probably mean kids or just mean people. The Internet makes most people 7 feet tall and 300 lbs of muscle hiding behind a screen.
I know right? Most people who click "you deserve it" are just being mean. They're also 7 feet tall and 300 lbs of muscle behind a computer screen.
Awww DAYUM!!
You trying to spell damn? If so you were pretty close....
I beleve they were adding a little ghetto emphasis to the word "damn". They beat me to it! ...Back to the FML. I hope this is your now former girlfriend dude... She's either a complete idiot or a *****... Or both.
Well that sucks. Geddit?
Thanks you're too kind!
56 - cool story bro
I wasnt able to read your comment but **** YOU benabus!
No whadaya mean brahh????????
Benebus, I find it honestly very hard to believe that semen is carcinogenic because that would mean it would mutate the sperm cells that are living in the semen as they are ejaculated. And of course that would cause major problems for the developing zygote if the sperm was mutated. I of course never did any research or anything but I find it unlikely that's what's causing oral cancer."Correlation does not mean causation". The fact we are living longer and we put chemicals in our food probably has a larger impact. And generally guys penis' are not dirty like you say unless your blowing hobos. Most men clean them in the shower or bath on a regular basis. And if not then they do when they think they will get lucky.
Classy girl you've got there. YDI for being with a *****.
You're an idiot. How was he to know she would cheat? Some people... -_-
OP didn't say she actually cheated, and the fact an explanation had to be given to her makes her a *****. You want to reconsider passing judgement on my post now? Dumbass.
30 - The fact that OP posts this FML now, stating that he now discovered he had to explain this to his girlfriend indicates that he did not know she thought about it this way. Therefore, it is not a case of YDI, after all how can he deserve something he didn't even know about. OP's girlfriend thinking that giving head to another guy isn't cheating does make here a ***** though (or most probably a **** even, since we don't know if she charged/would charge the guy for it). If OP stays with her now and she does end up sucking some other guy (if she hasn't already) then yeah, it's a total YDI. Care to reconsider your judgement on OP? Maybe think some more about what you are going to say next time, before calling someone else a dumbass.
Benabus seriously get a ******* ten talk to us
Condoms- prevents semen in the mouth, and you usually ask about std's.
Sevrandy, That would be unnecessary. Benabus has done a fine job of "owning" himself. Benabus, you're arguing about something about which you have NO knowledge. This is like my 5-year old telling me she doesn't like spinach even though she's never tried it. Just please stop. Please.
Benabus- you are one ignorant **** and I think that you should stay in school for a ******* long time, because you have no idea what the hell you're talking about and yet you keep insisting that you're right. If you don't like head because you've experienced it, and didn't like it, that's one thing, but you are judging without knowing and that makes you ignorant. Even if you don't want to know, that's fine, but don't act like you know what you're talking about. Semen is not full of "bacteria" and you can't magically get "viruses" from oral sex. And if you do have an STD/STI, you usually get symptoms. But even if you don't, smart people go get themselves tested every so often. I don't know what the **** you do with your penis that makes it so dirty.
Successful troll is successful IMHO.
So ask her if it's alright for you to eat out other girls.
hmmmm, not the kind of girl i'd want to be going out with. sorry dude...