By GeriGeriBoBeri - 28/12/2011 08:59 - United States

Today, I locked my keys in my car at a gas station. A man stopped to help me with a wire hanger. After about 20 min in the freezing weather, he was getting close to unlocking it when I looked over at the passenger door to see that it was unlocked. All the doors were unlocked but the driver's side. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 194
You deserved it 39 382

Same thing different taste

Top comments

flockz 19


babyskate_fml 6

at least u werent running around for an hour looking for ur moms cell phone....and its in ur hand.

hateevryone 14

that's why you should always check and make sure you're locked out.

bobbos100 2
jcjackson100 0

Woah we gots a blond over here

Good lord, please put these idiots out of their misery before they actually have to fend for themselves and suffer. Don't breed...ever....please

kristac123 0

You dumb ass, you should've checked first

Just_A_Panda 9

That's completely the most clever and intelligent thing you've ever done -_-

trentalophogus 5

I'm amazed you aren't too much of a dumbass to use the freaking computer, you idiot