By Terra - 19/11/2016 05:14

Today, I logged on Facebook and saw my friend who'd been engaged, then broke the engagement, then got back together announce their new wedding date: three days before my wedding. She also sent me a message asking if I'd move my date. We've been planning our wedding for two years. She got engaged six months ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 507
You deserved it 799

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You know, if you smack her around now, there'd be time for the bruising to set in, so she could be your something blue! Two birds, one stone!


linnie_wesker 20

Sorry OP, but you're probably going to end up losing this girl as friend. It's sad, but engagements tend to show peoples true colors and at least you now know she's a self-centered bitch. tbh she sounds like she's going to be a complete bridezilla which is about the most pathetic, ridiculous thing ever and a mentality I will NEVER understand. Run while you still can.

If she's scheduled her wedding to be three days before yours, either you or she has chosen a day that falls during the work-week (unless of course you've chosen a holiday, which, let's be honest, is not a great idea either). Non-weekend weddings are not very popular among guests. This will probably sort itself out easily, assuming she doesn't cancel all over again.

"No". If you want to be more specific: "No. Everything has been paid for and set. I am not losing money because you changed YOUR date." If you want to be completely honest: "Hell ******* no."

LevelupKid 8

Hopefully everyone will go to your true one, and skip her bullshit wedding. She doesn't seem so sure she knows what she wants. she might even cancel it again.

This is happening to me too. You tell that b*tch hell to the no.

Luke16eirb7deneuwn1 20

Hope you don't move your date.