By accountnamevalid - 21/06/2013 02:23 - United States

Today, I lost my car keys, so I asked my ex-husband if he still had his spare to my car. He said he'd send it. I got an empty envelope with a troll face on it. There's a reason I left him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 985
You deserved it 8 757

accountnamevalid tells us more.

We had a very amicable divorce. I'll admit I laughed a bit, but waiting on that key cost me cab and bus fare, when I could have called the locksmith I'll have to call anyway.

Top comments

Send him an envelope back with a hand made receipt of what you spent on that cab and bus fare. The note attached can be whatever you want but you can just say "You now owe me [insert amount here] for costing me time and money with your trolling. I'll be taking my payment from you when you least expect it. Have a great day." - or doing nothing works too if you don't want to "start" something with your ex.

i guarantee even after this post you'll still get comments saying 'what a dick, you're better off without him'. it's good that you're still able to be civil but it was still harsh for him not to help you out when it's serious


kunlunkid 3

No matter how amicable the divorce, an ex is an "ex" for a reason, and helping out an ex is usually its own reward (and tends to feel like the emotional equivalent of getting an envelope with a troll face on it). I helped out my ex the first few months after we parted but when I needed help from from her all I got were excuses on the front end and called "spineless" behind my back on the back hand. If there's a next time, OP, call AAA or the locksmith first and spare yourself the disappointment of thinking your ex gives a darn.

Never knew a sense of humor is worth a divorce these days, though it still sucks having to wait

There's no reason to attack people for misinterpreting an arguably ambiguous post. If you read the post literally, OP writes -after the explanation of the envelope- that "there's a reason [she] left him". Although I am sure that OP has more sense than that, it is easy to misinterpret her post. It all comes down to context and understanding of the post.

iammeorami 25
jayellef 3

You deserve this and you want to know why, he is your ex for a reason, probably because you couldn't rely on him during your marriage. What makes you think he'd change after the divorce?

BlueFlatts 20

Just because they're divorced doesn't mean that they can't rely on each other. Not all divorces are cut and split. You don't know their story, don't assume you do.

When I got divorced I made it clear to my ex that we are not friends, despite her repeated attempts to pretend otherwise. That "amicable divorce" thing is a myth. You can be sure at least one of you isn't feeling very amicable about it.

But if the two of you are mature adults you should both be able to occasionally converse without being rude and doing childish crap like this. The sad reality is divorce proves how many truly immature adults there really are. Not being friends is understandable, but simply acting civil is completely realistic if the two parties can act like adults.

RedPillSucks 31

42- I know plenty of people who are divorced and get along just fine. My brother and his x-wife have 4 kids and are both remarried and super good friends... They just don't like being married to each other.

@47 I see no reason at all why we should need to converse about any topic except for the children, yet she continues to try, despite my repeated requests that she not bother me for anything that is unrelated to the children. Yes I remain civil when I absolutely have to talk to her, but unless it is absolutely imperative that I talk to her, I don't. Fortunately for me, she moved 1,500 miles away.

But wouldn't that mean your kids also moved 1500 miles away with her? Unless you happen to have full custody...

@85 As it turns out, the adage that it is always mother's day in family court isn't true.

Hope he has nothing of yours that you need...or you'll get more trolls...

your fault for trying to depend on your EX husband and good job losing your bar keys

Lol... You left him, no doubt why he did that!!!

Haha that's hilarious, I like his sense of humour but at the same time fyl. Hopefully he sends the actual keys