By Anonymous - 05/12/2010 00:54 - United States

Today, I lost my job. I was so upset that I put in my favorite mix CD of all the songs that get me feeling better. While scanning for my favorite song, I hit the car in front of me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 194
You deserved it 37 267

Same thing different taste

Top comments

music makes life so much better music is the best thing created since sliced toasted bread with butter.


Pay attention when you're driving you stupid f***!!! I hope nobody was hurt because you were distracted, sheesh.

boohoo you lost your job. suck it up princess and stop putting other peoples lives in danger because you had a bad day.

Or, since your car is wrecked and you're too dumb to operate iTunes, get a new car that has the radio controls on the steering wheel, like a Mazda. Oh, wait, you're unemployed. Haha, sucks to be you.

CoachLlama 5

Look on the bright side, took your mind off losing the job for a minute right? Never mind.....

unluckybastard18 0

keep your eyes on the road you dumb ****.

luvmypitbulls 0

YDI for getting caught masturbating at work, and in the car.

that's because you're supposed to do that while parked, before you start driving. dumbass.

That could have been a person. Imagine hitting someone and killing them because you wanted to listen to a certain song, could you live with yourself? Try thinking of that next time you want to take your eyes off the road.