By phansmootchie - 20/12/2011 08:14 - United States

Today, I lost my keys. My roommate locked me out, then yelled at me when I made her come home to let me in. I tore my room apart searching for them, and even went out to search my locker room. When I got home, I glanced at my wall only to find my keys hanging on the hook I set up specifically for them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 306
You deserved it 37 450

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your roommate didn't lock you out, she locked the door when no one was home. I would yell at your dumb ass too, if you called me out of work for some monkey shit like that.

Ladies and gentlemen,l think we have a genius here.


The_9th_Doctor 18

you're so smooth you should be called butter?

OP here: I forgot I posted this. And even though this is years late, feel the need to say something since I found it on random: My roommate was the one to take my keys. She still did it after that and that's why I had to move out.