By phansmootchie - 20/12/2011 08:14 - United States

Today, I lost my keys. My roommate locked me out, then yelled at me when I made her come home to let me in. I tore my room apart searching for them, and even went out to search my locker room. When I got home, I glanced at my wall only to find my keys hanging on the hook I set up specifically for them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 306
You deserved it 37 450

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your roommate didn't lock you out, she locked the door when no one was home. I would yell at your dumb ass too, if you called me out of work for some monkey shit like that.

Ladies and gentlemen,l think we have a genius here.


You Madam do not deserve a room over your head. Please go give all your money and your flat to someone who deserves it!

Why would she live under a room? Is that a big thing where you live? Normal people live IN a room under a ROOF.

Why couldn't you go to her to pick the keys up? Also, buy a bowl and put it near the door, put keys in said bowl. Its a lot easier to spot. Merry christmas, asshole.

hateevryone 14
Benelli_SkM 0
RedPillSucks 31

It's always in the last place you look. Next time, look there first.

StopDropNRoll 11

But then it wouldn't be last. I'm confused.

stephanieeDawnx 0

Well.. Of course it's in the last place you look... If you found them, why would you keep looking..?

Roommate yelled at you because this is obviously not the first time your absent mindedness has been an annoyance.

Maybe you should start leaving notes for yourself, unless you'll forget those's

Wait, if you left to go check the locker room, how did you get back in a second time? Didn't lock the door behind you? Ooo, it would be icing on the cake if you got robbed. :D Still, YDI for not checking the hook you got for this purpose.