By phansmootchie - 20/12/2011 08:14 - United States

Today, I lost my keys. My roommate locked me out, then yelled at me when I made her come home to let me in. I tore my room apart searching for them, and even went out to search my locker room. When I got home, I glanced at my wall only to find my keys hanging on the hook I set up specifically for them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 306
You deserved it 37 450

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your roommate didn't lock you out, she locked the door when no one was home. I would yell at your dumb ass too, if you called me out of work for some monkey shit like that.

Ladies and gentlemen,l think we have a genius here.


I'm sorry but if u just put your keys, phone, & wallet in the same place each time you wouldn't waste half a day looking for them

catkat1988 17

So just for clarification: You put your keys where they are supposed to be, and couldn't find them. Your roommate then left and did the only sensible thing: Locked the door. Afterwards, you're blaming her for your being locked out, and demanding that she drop whatever she's doing and come home to let you in? Okay. I get how losing your keys sucks (having done it myself on several occasions), but still.

you should keep an extra key somewhere

You totally deserved to be yelled at after being such a demanding and ungrateful person. Why must your room mate come back to open the door for you? If it's me I'll just let you wait outside the door until I'm finished with whatever I was doing. I don't think you thanked her do you? If not you wouldn't even word it in such a way like she SHOULD come back for you and that she purposely locked you out. YDI for being forgetful and ungrateful.

CurlyQute 17

Thats what you get for never putting things away... Because when you do you can't find them......

you made your roommate to come home to let your forgetful ass inside ? i'd be pissed too!

don't feel too bad, at least you weren't holding them :)

This sounds like something I would do