By timero - 16/11/2009 06:59 - France

Today, I’m a bus driver in Paris. A guy got on with a sheep. I told him that you can’t take the bus with animals that can’t fit on your lap. He then hoisted it onto his lap, while the sheep stared at me, baaing loudly. FML
I agree, your life sucks 753
You deserved it 123

Top comments


I think it was calling out for help. lol.

blink831forever 13

I seriously laughed so hard at this FML with the visual alone!! Good job to him in finding a loophole and really as long as the sheep doesn't make a mess or is intrusive on the other patrons. What's the harm?

Raze_Roze 7

You kidding? That's awesome.

What will you be tomorrow? A sherpa in India?

The visual of this is a precious thing.

aelarol 5

What was the sheep wearing?

this is my favorite FML ever, also did you let him ride?

If I make any reference as to the ethnicity of the guy with the sheep, I'm racist right?

Cyrus00 41

If you have to ask, then probably.

Oh got on, not got IT on, that makes this story slightly less interesting.