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By Anonymous - 25/03/2011 03:36 - United States

Today, I'm babysitting three children under the age of seven. They have no discipline, don't listen, scream all the time, won't nap, terrorize my dog, and have peed their pants a collective 5 times today. I am not getting paid for this. Their mother has no plans to come get them any time soon. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 685
You deserved it 9 734

Same thing different taste

Top comments

why did u agree to it in the first place.

MrLaryRottweila 1

YDI for not doing it for no reason. I mean I would understand if it were your mom


That's why I don't want kids! Which is the exact reason my bf just dumped me.. FML

liljensen 0
Hawkcody1958 1

YDI for agreeing to do it for free. why wouldn't you charge their mother for playing beast wrangler? I would walk out and leave the little bastards.

Maybe the OP wanted to get paid but the mom wouldn't? FYL, OP.

JeterArmy 0

i would tare their asses up like my mom and dad did me, im well disaplined now and take orders from my superiors, america has lost its balls, we need to disapline our kids, my kid will be disaplined when i have one

that's almost my expirence except the three year old made it to the bathroom but missed the toilet leaving the shit on the bathroom floor.

I suggest investing in a tazer. you will only have to use it once, twice at the most.