By Anonymous - 25/03/2011 03:36 - United States

Today, I'm babysitting three children under the age of seven. They have no discipline, don't listen, scream all the time, won't nap, terrorize my dog, and have peed their pants a collective 5 times today. I am not getting paid for this. Their mother has no plans to come get them any time soon. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 681
You deserved it 9 732

Same thing different taste

Top comments

why did u agree to it in the first place.

MrLaryRottweila 1

YDI for not doing it for no reason. I mean I would understand if it were your mom


vickilouise 1

f that mothers life you get to leave she has to live with them.

I was in the same predicament at the age of 12 except it was 1 three month old, 1 two year old, 2 three year olds, and a seven year old. their 2 moms were out partying for the whole weekend. I feel your pain. no sleep, yay! lol

you shouldn't have babysat if you weren't gettin any money outta it!

sandov1993 0

let's think outside the politically correct box here and go old school with a good old fasion SPANKING and time out it worked for me and my parents before me let's connect the dots each generation is getting more and more disrespectful at the same time as people are trying to use less punishment and more positive reinforcement get the picture

sportyfreaK15 0

those kids would be perfect Lil kids after they see me freak out on em'. ! I hate kids with no discipline and or the parent Dosent care if u have a life

You're not getting paid for it so why are you doing it? Trying to get into her good books? A soft touch? Next time say NO!