By moomanjohnny - 31/05/2014 06:40 - United States - Pleasanton

Today, I'm babysitting two 6 year old kids. One of them won't stop screaming, and the other kid found his mom's vibrator and won't stop playing spaceship with it. The parents will be home in an hour. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 499
You deserved it 5 486

moomanjohnny tells us more.

I finally got the one screaming to calm down and go to sleep. I also got the vibrator away from the other kid by distracting him with my phone. Everything was good when the parents came home, until the kid told his mom about a cool "spaceship".

Top comments

It's not your fault OP, that kid's mom should find a better place to hide her vibrator

Hey mummy! Wanna play buzz lightyear with me!?


Yeah, drug them. Great idea! Please don't ever have kids...

I finally got the one screaming to calm down and go to sleep. I also got the vibrator away from the other kid by distracting him with my phone. Everything was good when the parents came home, until the kid told his mom about a cool "spaceship".

You already ended the FML with a cliffhanger; it just isn't fair to end your follow up the same way! We all want to know what the mom had to say about the spaceship. Indulge us, OP? *bats eyelashes*

romanova83 6

This comment deserves a follow up too.

WinterBlue42 22

I've always wondered why some people leave their. . 'spaceships' in easily accessible places. Have the decency to at least hide it well, right? Hopefully they did not blame you!

braidedsilver 8

Ease of access. Those spaceships get pulled out during take off, not so much before or during alone time.

The mom said that I was the one that gave the "spaceship" to the kid. She said that I made the kid play with it. She said that her "perfect angels" would never do that. I was asked to never come back and I didn't get paid.

Wow...I want to fyl this reply; that really sucks. Also, I can't imagine letting someone babysit my kids if I didn't trust them so I don't get why she wouldn't believe you.

In that case, the mom seems like a ****.

Yeah that mother is a massive ****, the **** she mean that her "perfect angels" wouldn't do that? theyre young and don't know better, it's expected. can you contact someone to make them pay? probably not, people like that piss me off a ton.

Get off FML and tell the kids to behave!

So you came to fml for help? What's wrong with today's society?

RedPillSucks 31

I think you're missing the purpose of this site.

Nobody comes to FML for help - although it seems like 3/4 of the posters must believe it's an advice column. The incidents happened hours ago, often months ago. People are just sharing funny events, not asking for a solution. Make a funny comment. Don't offer advice.

llamaslikesoda 21

Mommy and her little girl/boy will have fun playing space ship :)

zevo1415 10

Hmm possibly OP posted this afterward...just a thought