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By bbbeast - 28/07/2009 02:42 - United Kingdom

Today, my dad asked me if I'd started smoking, I gave him a big speech about how I never have and never will. Two hours later, he found my stash of cigarettes under my bed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 983
You deserved it 136 276

Same thing different taste

Top comments

slayerdme 0

Why would you even smoke in the first place? Think you're cool huh?

trilingualotaku 0

ydi for 2 reasons. 1=bad hiding spot. 2=for lying. ... have a nice day :D


yeah i agree. under your bed? what a joke. thats where everyone looks. when i was younger i hid my diary under my mattress [between my box spring and mattress] and my brother still found it. then i actually learned how to hide things. *hint hint* in a blanket folded up in your closet.

no1askdu 5

or in your parents room lol...where better to hide it then right under there nose

he probably already found them and wanted to see if you were honest or not

you should of just been honest, he gave you the chance and he could have helped you even. Instead you decided to be a ******** and lie. YDI

I always take out my bottom drawer and then put stuff into the hole then put it back in.

Chantalasaurus 0

that sounds about right. if I was a parent, I'd want to question my kid before to see if they'd own up to it, even though I already knew the answer.

I have an old pc next to my bed, disused, I hide things in there all the time. Its great!

xero_art 0

yeah, how many cigs did you have to need to hide them under your bed? a carton?

americayay 0

that whole under the dresser drawer thing is kind of common.

Dixie_Normous 0

Or stop being a pus and man up.

Under the boot on the shifter knob in my car lol! Nobody thinks of it unless you have seen it

KitKhatu 0

every year, on the day after halloween. my cousins would come and they were in absolute love with chocolate and sugar. so i would hide my solid candies under my mattress and the chocolate in a box that says, "fresh ever lasting vegetables" I was 4 when i started hiding them. xD now they have diabetes and one of them died =(

you lot think under the beds a bad spot? i stashed a dime of weed in my drawer right on top of my tshirts,, guess i just attract this shit xD

Yeah, worst hiding spot ever. Cut a hole in your box spring and keep them in there. You also deserve it for lying.

JoseIsAdork 31

its easier to just tell the truth

slayerdme 0

Why would you even smoke in the first place? Think you're cool huh?

I don't think anyone deserves it for smoking, as it is quite addictive and they just can't help it sometimes even after one curious try. But I really think YDI because of the bad hiding place and for lying. Idiot.

He just starting smoking, so being addicted is no excuse. He deserves it for starting.

Alright , I'm just going to say this , I , for one , am a smoker , I know it's bad ... But I'm addicted , so you can't give the OP heat for smoking , sometime's it just happens . I don't mean to be a bitch , And i'm not trying to tell you what to do , But telling them their doing it to be "cool" isn't going to help them stop , if they want to or not . It's just going to be another person telling them the same old thing .

Blue_Coconuts 7

I smoke... I didn't start to be cool, I started because I was in an extremely stressful environment which required me to find a way to calm my nerves, and smoking was the only way that would allow me to do it both on and off the "clock" as it were. I am however quitting when I am done working in a few months.

I am so freaking sick of people saying "I'm addicted, you can't blame me, it's not my fault" BULL SHIT. It is SO your fault! You started in the first place FULLY AWARE that cigarettes can be highly addictive. Get some balls and blame yourself. Many people have quit and you can too if you just man up and take the blame for once in your life. Gah. -sorry for the rant. ;)

i smoked cigarettes before, but i'm not addicted. im gonna wait until i'm old enough at least now.

God #79, you do realize your lying to yourself right?

#112 what the ****? You want to start smoking? Also people can't say 'it's not my fault I'm addicted', you weren't addicted to nicotine from when you were born, you know? YDI from smoking in the first place. Everyone knows of the health affects yet people still decide it's a good idea so start smoking.

wakingzombies 0

I have to call into question this 'nicotine is highly addictive' commentary. I can't find the actual study at the moment but I clearly remember the actual odds of getting addicted to nicotine specifically much, MUCH lower than nicorette would have you believe. Something on the order of 15% - what you're really getting addicted to is the behavior pattern. I apologize for rules lawyering here but if you're really trying to stop with smoking, it'd be far more conducive to replace your daily cig with something like a lollipop or bubblegum, instead of the expensive nicorette patches/gum/what-have-you. Odds are you're addicted to some other part of the equation than the nicotine.

snavula 0

#126, I thought that #79 made a reasonable argument. Please enlighten me as to how environment is NOT a major factor in every life choice we make. I'm waiting. Smoking is a life choice. If it bothers you soooooo much, just go to the middle of nowhere.

organismal 0

smoking isn't a life choice. it's simultaneous suicide and murder.

DieterDerBlau 0

OK, so it's a DEATH choice.... stilll it's a smoker's choice.

snavula 0

Please disprove the statement that you're dying from the moment you're born. Okay, then. Everything you do is essentially a death choice. A person who gets in their car to go to work and gets slammed by another car and dies immediately made a 'death choice' that day. Go eat a big mac, you're making a death choice.

The only thing worse than smoking, is self righteous non-smokers.

#40: That's insane. "You can't give shit to somebody when they allow themselves to get and stay addicted to something." Yes I can. And I will. Just because the compulsion exists doesn't mean it must be acted upon. And if he does act upon it, as most people would/do, he has the capabilities to make the best choice he can make for himself in the long term and find ways to start quitting. Usually, I don't give two ***** if people smoke or not, because, you know, it's not my life, so I can't make your decisions for you since it's your life. But I do give a shit if people pull this martyr-like "The cigarettes control my life" bullshit. It annoys the shit out of me because the only person with control over your own life is you, not some stupid cigarette.

#79, You do know nicotine is a stimulant, right?

curryndricegirll 0

#79, I don't mean this in a bad way, but you need counseling or something. I don't know how to tell you how you sound. But if you really want to quit, please get some help.

jesus, you are a ******* retard. yeah, everyone starts smoking to be "cool", you stupid ignorant motherfucking ****. what the **** do you care if he smokes anyways? Jesus ******* christ, it doesn't have shit to do with you, you whiny little bitch.

Sucks man but I'm with u. All of these purist wannabes suck. They act like they never **** up. Quitting is a long road. It's ur choice to try to stop. To all the bitches who blame. **** off.

happysmile987 24

If people want to smoke, let them. It quickens up natural selection on the people so irresponsible to.

Some like the smell, taste, etc. It's not just people trying to be cool.

trilingualotaku 0

ydi for 2 reasons. 1=bad hiding spot. 2=for lying. ... have a nice day :D

curryndricegirll 0

Exactly! I don't understand how people post stuff like this and expect sympathy. OP, you are a moron! Btw, your dad probably already knew.

ShadowlessSpear 21

I hate when people assume FMLs ask for sympathy.

bryce0110 23

There's a 3rd reason too. 3 for smoking.

Imawhalerider 0

its for your health project and you need to know how bad cigrattes affect running long distances

deathbunny256 0

You are a ******* douchebastard for smoking, I'm sorry, I don't usually make comments like this, but go shove those cigarettes up your ass, bitch.

DieterDerBlau 0

So, you don't like smokers??? That's a shame. Send me your address so I can come to your house and smoke a carton or five... blow the smoke in your face, and leave the butts everywhere. I only respond like this because, normally, I'm a fairly considerate smoker, but between assholes like this, and the laws that now tell me when I can and can't smoke in MY OWN ******* CAR, I've decided to become a bit more militant. Smokings' been around for eons. Literally. Take away my cigarettes, I'll cut your guts out. Now, back to the OP's problem - you're an idiot for hiding them someplace, as well as probably failing to mask the odour well enough to keep your dad from smelling it. Worst part about cigs is that they do tend to leave their scent EVERYWHERE. I got told by my 4th grade teacher I came from a smoking household, that he could smell it on me - from my mom's smoking. Yes, this kind of thing actually shows the "evils" of smoking... No worse than the evils of driving a car and filling the air with even more pollutants.

deathbunny256 0

No, sorry, I just hate it when people do that to themselves because both of my grandfathers died from smoking. One had heart problems, and the other had lung cancer for a few years. I didn't mean to leave such a hateful post, I just wanted to get my point across as well as I could.

IHateBugs 0

#28 - Since when is there a law that says when a someone can smoke a cancer stick in their car? Don't misinterpret me; I'm not saying there isn't one. I just haven't heard of it. I've only heard of the law that makes it illegal to smoke in restaurants in certain states. Which I happen to think is great. Sure, smokers smoke can they wanna. They have the right to. But what gives them the right to sit next to me and blow smoke in my face while I'm trying to eat? It's bad enough having to walk in the doors of a place with all of the smokers crowding the entrance. I have to hold my breath to walk inside. Sorry to say it (since you don't seem to fit this stereotype), but many smokers are inconsiderate. To whoever said that smoking it addictive - Yes, it is. It's difficult to quit. The solution for that? Don't start. OP - YDI it for 1. Lying, 2. Having a sucky hiding place, & 3. Smoking.

IHateBugs 0

#28 - Since when is there a law that says when a someone can smoke a cancer stick in their car? Don't misinterpret me; I'm not saying there isn't one. I just haven't heard of it. I've only heard of the law that makes it illegal to smoke in restaurants in certain states. Which I happen to think is great. Sure, smokers smoke can they wanna. They have the right to. But what gives them the right to sit next to me and blow smoke in my face while I'm trying to eat? It's bad enough having to walk in the doors of a place with all of the smokers crowding the entrance. I have to hold my breath to walk inside. Sorry to say it (since you don't seem to fit this stereotype), but many smokers are inconsiderate. To whoever said that smoking it addictive - Yes, it is. It's difficult to quit. The solution for that? Don't start. OP - YDI it for 1. Lying, 2. Having a sucky hiding place, & 3. Smoking.

No, a city near San Diego passed a law saying it is illegal to smoke while in your car, no matter the situation. They just don't want people smoking, are discouraging it, making it KNOWN that they do not want people to smoke, and are punishing people for it.

I've been told it is because smoking can lead to distraction and accidents derived from it. If the cigarette butt falls in your lap or if you take your eyes off the road for too long looking for your packet or ligther, you can go KABOOM quite easily.

threatsketch 0
americayay 0

#68, the only time I've heard of this law, it involves children in the car. Maybe it's a different law. Without children, do what you want. But if there ARE children in the car, their right to clean air is more important than your right to smoke.

DeadMansCrack 4

28- I'm glad you aren't one of those people who say "I'm addicted. Poor me." Because, guys, it's your fault you try in the first place. I personally think smoking's stupid. It potentially kills you. I can't tell people what to do, but smoking doesn't only affect you. Ever heard of secondhand smoke? An old guy's wife died from that because he couldn't throw out the damn cigarette and start chewing the gum, wearing patches, or whatever else you need to do to quit. Stuff like this happens all the time. Smoking not only kills you, but also people around you. Some people talk about how they didn't care about their health enough to stop smoking, but a few years down the road, they discover they actually care about someone. But right as their loved one is looking at you with despair, you realized that you killed yourself by sucking on those cancer sticks. That story is dramatic, but stuff like that happens daily. People need to stop harming themselves and others.

you deserve this!! if you dont quit, you will die of cancer.

Ftw not everyone who smokes gets cancer . A shit load of people do, but not everyone .

everyone will die of cancer eventually, seeing as we all have cancer and our immune system gets "rid" of it. so yeah once it doesn't get one of the mutated cells bam you have cancer

Uh, not if you get run over by a car. Or get a stroke. Or a heart attack. Or (etc.).

vvvalori 0

@43 "for the win" not everyone who smokes gets cancer?

organismal 0

if you dont get cancer you get emphezema, if you dont' get emphezema you get....

waterynuggets 0

Epic fail, why would you even parade this around