By anon7113 - 08/01/2011 10:16 - United States
anon7113 tells us more.
One, I do take an enzyme to help me break down food. It's called Similase. Both acidophilus (sp?) and lactaid don't work for me at all. I've tried. Two, even if yogurt doesn't have lactose in it, it doesn't change the fact that it gives me very painful gas. Three, my mother won't take me to get soy yogurt. Four, I would have asked the pharmacist for a substitute, had I been the one picking up my medication. Unfortunately, my mother didn't realize the problem when the pharmacist was explaining the "eat some yogurt to help with diarrhea side effects" part. Five, whoever said to get a different pill is obviously not good in this area. Most antibiotics can cause diarrhea and the only way to get rid of the strep bacteria is to take antibiotics. So really, I don't have much choice about the pill. Just some clarifications. Thanks. :)
Top comments
Gas is always better. You get to spread the misery instead of sitting in your own stink.
surprisingly, yogurt does not contain lactose. it contains lactic acid. any sort of probiotic pills would work just as well. acidophilus is wonderful. you deserve it for not asking your doctor or pharmacist first.
This is true. OP probably isn't lactose intolerant.
yogurt contains lactase - the enzyme that breaks down lactose
Hm. Well if you're home alone, or at least where no one can hear you, I'd say painful gas. If you're at work or school I'd say diarrhea.
Yeah. Sorry we don't have time to read 4000000 comments every time we wanna comment. And many people don't know about dairy free yogurt, so that's an easy assumption to make... Anyway, what do you mean your mother won't take you to buy that stuff? Don't you guys have public transportation? Bikes? Sidewalks? :p
Get Depends, blast away and stew in your own juices.
that suxx...i was on a date with my boyfriend and i had to go poo,and it turned out i had diareeeah!!!!!i took 15 minutes and i still had to go some more, but i had to come out, so i kept having gas, and when he was drivving me home, he almost broke up with me and said-whats wrong? you keep farting. when i came out of the car,theree was a brown spot on the seat.what do you think i should of done?
the probiotics in yogurt help counteract lactose intolerance. it's one of the few foods that lactose intolerant people can eat.
I'm not a doctor or lactose expert but I was told that yogurt (even frozen yogurt somewhat) is good for lactose intolerant people to eat because of the probiotics. Unless there are exceptions which I don't know about. I'm lactose intolerant, as are most people, but I can tolerate yogurt quite well :) mmm
I vote gas, at least u can do something rather then sitting on the toilet
Gas is by far the lesser of the two evils. Would you rather go through a roll of toilet paper in 2 hours, leaving you with a sore ass and a raw rectum from all the wiping, or amaze your family and friends by playing some of their favorite jazz tunes with your flatulence?