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By melons - 11/08/2015 01:28 - United Kingdom - London

Today, I'm lying awake at 2 in the morning listening to the police helicopter circle my house yet again. I recently moved near quiet woodland to escape the traffic noise that disturbed my sleep. Quiet woodland where apparently the local criminals play midnight hide-and-seek with the police. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 647
You deserved it 1 776

melons tells us more.

I'm such a bad sleeper, earplugs and double glazing make little difference. As for finding a new home, I bought this place last year and spent many months renovating it, so the idea of selling up right now after all that is not top of my list. A lot of my neighbours have lived here since the houses were built in the early 1960s, so surely it can't be all that bad?! Although, I hadn't even considered the thought of the forest lurkers breaking in, so thanks for that...

Top comments

You should really consider moving again. It only takes a few minutes for 'criminals in the woodlands' to become 'criminals in your house'.

I feel like the real estate agent "forgot" to tell you that. Perhaps the woodland wolves will take care of that for you OP!


Get some earplugs and better windows otherwise you're gonna have to put up with it, sorry OP

Or call a realtor and start looking for a new home. If this is seriously a regular occurence like OP's post suggests and not just one man hunt, OP needs to get out. They are just putting themselves in a dangerous situation.

I'm such a bad sleeper, earplugs and double glazing make little difference. As for finding a new home, I bought this place last year and spent many months renovating it, so the idea of selling up right now after all that is not top of my list. A lot of my neighbours have lived here since the houses were built in the early 1960s, so surely it can't be all that bad?! Although, I hadn't even considered the thought of the forest lurkers breaking in, so thanks for that...

outfielder55 17

Do you own a gun, OP? If not, I advise you purchase one and learn how to use it right. It only takes a minute for criminals in the woods to be criminals in your house.

This actually happened to me a few days ago. My fault for not checking the area beforehand, but I moved into a nice neighborhood that happens to be in a not so nice area. The search lights kept sweeping through my backyard and the heli flew around for a few hours. Personally the last thing I would do is wear ear plugs. If some asshat breaks down my door to hide from the cops, I wanna hear it so they can hear my .45!

Er no 31, although I did just pick a homegrown marrow that would work well as a makeshift cosh...

Get a gun OP use the gun muffs as stronger ear plugs hope this helps

You guys forgot that OP lives in London. In the UK it's illegal to own a gun or even carry pepper spray.

39, yep, everyone's forgetting that guns are illegal in the UK

Not to mention the fact that statistically speaking, keeping a gun in the house actually increases your risk of sustaining a gun injury. OP, would you be able to afford to soundproof your room? Unfortunately there's not much else you can do for this kind of situation.

lolbash 18

Uhh, if you dont have a gun you obviously wont be suffering from a gun accident.

We don't have guns legally in the UK, and I really hope we never do.

If you can't have guns or anything, an alarm system and a dog might be a good choice?

I reckon people there are different. I personally feel better knowing we can have the proper tool to defend our homes and loved ones. When seconds count the police are only minutes away.

I feel like the real estate agent "forgot" to tell you that. Perhaps the woodland wolves will take care of that for you OP!

Wow I hope you don't need to get up early! Hope this doesn't happen consistently and make sure you keep your doors locked OP

You should really consider moving again. It only takes a few minutes for 'criminals in the woodlands' to become 'criminals in your house'.

mds9986 24

Yeah, I'd be scared shitless knowing criminals with nothing to lose were lurking around my house and hiding from police. OP must have steel balls of his only concern is an annoying helicopter.

Hide and seek, a game for all ages to enjoy.

MegamiKaosu 28

Hide and seek while playing cops and robbers? Hell yea

Sounds like you were destin to not sleep nights

I say it's time to litter the wooded field with scary masked scarecrows!!!! Problem solved.... now enjoy a good nights rest :)

Helicopters circling doesn't necessarily mean criminals. Is there an RAF Base or something nearby? Still, there isn't much you can do except move or use earplugs. Even if you do move, there's still a chance of having noises like helicopters, planes and traffic, and even foxes barking in the countryside. Earplugs will probably be your best option.

Nah, it's definitely the police with their searchlight circling. There are no RAF bases round here.