By Anonyme - 01/08/2015 04:51 - Japan - Iruma

Today, I’m on vacation in Japan. Hungry, I went to a restaurant. Looking at photos of the food, I selected a lovely looking bowl of rice with slices of squid. I was served some ice cream. With squid. On a unidentified white mousse. I’m still hungry. FML
I agree, your life sucks 656
You deserved it 127

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The "white mousse" in your dish was probably "Shirako" Its considered a delicacy in some parts of Japan. If I tell you Shirako translates to "white children" can you make a guess as to what you actually ordered? Fish sperm. You ordered fish sperm.


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MikaykayUnicorn 36

There are dishes where the squid moves because pouring soy sauce on it does something scientific making it move, but the thing is still dead.

The electrolytes in the salt of the soy sauce cause literal contraction signals in the squids muscles, as if sent by the brain. The more you knooooow.

MikaykayUnicorn 36

#12 thank you, I knew it was something scientific but not what it was.

TeacherTeacher 11

You really gotta ask what's in the food. A lot of people there speak English.

There are a lot that don't, as well. Most of the people that can speak English can only get so far, so for specific information it can be difficult.

This is how we end up when going to five-star restaurants.

The "white mousse" in your dish was probably "Shirako" Its considered a delicacy in some parts of Japan. If I tell you Shirako translates to "white children" can you make a guess as to what you actually ordered? Fish sperm. You ordered fish sperm.

Or, it could have been nagaimo. When it is grated it looks/feels like slimy ice cream. I have had a dish with grated nagaimo topped with squid before, tastes good.

It could of been. But isn't Nagaimo more thicker/lumpy and sticky in consistency than a "mousse"?

You're on vacation. Try something outside of your comfort zone.

ollygollymolly 6

Well, as they say in Japan, Itadakimasu!

When visiting other countries and you get Hungary you can always resort to Turkey. Mind the Greece though.

this was a very good comment! I wonder why you got down voted. normally I don't like the puns and jokes on this site because they're too cheesy and over used but I actually liked this one. props to you!