By avoid the sour cream - 30/12/2012 06:14 - United States

Today, I'm sharing a hotel room with co-workers on a business trip. The walls are paper-thin, you could hear a pin drop, and I'm trying to make my explosive diarrhea as close to silent as possible. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 693
You deserved it 2 836

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Try turning your tv and radio/iPod as loud as they can go to drown out the noise. Also try putting the shower and sink in simultaneously.

anitadoody 7

Oh come on, everybody poops. Let it just go with the flow!


That blows, OP. Hope it didn't hurt more doing that.

Turn on the shower , and lock the door. So no one walks in thinking your in the shower.

Before you head to the bathroom, let them know that they're about to hear some special HD sound effects. #Gotta Do What You Gotta Do

What kind of hotel were you staying at if you could hear a pin drop? 0_o People need to get some thickening up on those walls in apartments and hotels... Those walls have annorexia or some condition like that (Forgive me if I named wrong condition been a while since I've been in Health classes).

Or you can use the public bathroom in the hot

taurusxdee 10

oddly enough, I have diarrhea while reading this lol

JayJay925 6