By nurse - 03/11/2010 12:08 - Reserved

Today, I'm training to be a nurse in a hospital. Our teacher asked for a volunteer to demonstrate how bed restraints work. After I was shackled to the bed she said, "Now let's make sure they work. Are you ticklish?" My entire class tickled me until I screamed, cried and nearly wet my pants. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 563
You deserved it 5 409

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Be honest. That wasn't pee... you were just getting turned on by the restraints. ;-)


Back in China, long time ago, they use tickling to torture people. FYL. :/


As silly as it does sound....tickling while restrained is probably one of the absolute worst forms of torture... I really hope you reported that, darling. There was no way that was okay!

perstephane 4

If you're in the U.S., that's battery. I'm with #38 - report that!

JocelynKaulitz 28

I dont think I want to be a nurse anymore.

Oh my god I think I would have died! I HATE being tickled... especially when there's no escape...

Ummmmyeah 0

hey, your the one who volunteered...

ya that sux but i wouldn't think of tickling u 