By Anonynonynon - 13/02/2015 19:05 - United States - Kansas City

Today, I'm working for a company that makes over a million dollars a year, yet leaves me with no choice but to pee in a cup because they won't pay to fix the only toilet in the building. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 811
You deserved it 2 461

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fviker95 13

A million dollars a year even in profits isn't that much for a company you need to consider that they have to pay rent, employees, taxes, utilities, merchandise, advertising, and they have to support their family as well so after all that is factored out maybe they can't afford to fix it

adkim78 17

I dunno, if they're stingy enough they won't mind in you pee on their plants then


Hopefully there is more than one cup per two girls

I give you a plus 1 because I understand the humor of your comment.

rylaii 26

You should really talk to OSHA. They can come by and do an inspection and make your company fix that. They won't use your name either

I hope you're a guy or it'd be even more awkward

ndnpride88 25

You could always call in anonymous to the labor board or health inspector

sylverdrag_fml 9

Take a break every time you need to and go outside to a coffee shop. If anyone questions the practice, you can simply say "I am going to the toilets".

gintwinsmoore 20

a million dollars for a company isn't a lot of'd be surprised how many companies make billions and can't manage that properly!!! As is the case with your company if they can't fix a toilet!!!

purplepenquin 9

Sounds kind of abusive. You and your co-workers need a union so you can stand up to the owners.

Do you mean millions in revenues, gross, or net (HUGE difference, there)? If they won't spend on necessities like building maintenance and repairing a freaking toilet, that is a bad sign: I personally can only think that either their actual profit margins are so negative that no one wants to be the one to add any red ink until AFTER things improve or the business is run by someone myopic enough not to realize that the lack of a functioning toilet is ultimately going to cost them more (employee moral, lost time as people leave to use other facilities, turnover, people on FML calling for unions and OSHA, et al) in the long run. Sorry OP. FYL.