By Anonynonynon - 13/02/2015 19:05 - United States - Kansas City

Today, I'm working for a company that makes over a million dollars a year, yet leaves me with no choice but to pee in a cup because they won't pay to fix the only toilet in the building. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 811
You deserved it 2 461

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fviker95 13

A million dollars a year even in profits isn't that much for a company you need to consider that they have to pay rent, employees, taxes, utilities, merchandise, advertising, and they have to support their family as well so after all that is factored out maybe they can't afford to fix it

adkim78 17

I dunno, if they're stingy enough they won't mind in you pee on their plants then


TheNamezZero 5

Must be a pretty crappy company then...

A million a year isn't that much for a company

try peeing on the Managers officedoor instead

Fr0gs 15

I dont understand, are you implying 1 million is a large revenue for a business?

rabid_otaku 29

That's how they maintain that money

OSHA will handle that. File a complaint.

baxwar 15

That is exactly why they make over 1m a year Not fixing shit like that

How can a company that makes that much money a year have only one toilet in the building?