By AGB10 - 23/06/2014 18:11 - United Kingdom - Tunbridge Wells

Today, I made an excuse and didn't turn up at work. Little did I know my boss did the same. We both bumped into each other at the shopping centre across town. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 873
You deserved it 25 861

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Atleast you could try laugh it off with him to get out of trouble


ostfaiz 18

have u ever attended disaster management training op!

QueenofWheels 13

Hope you took a pic or video of them so they can't write you up.

Axel5238 29

That wouldn't help we doesn't know why the boss took off or whether they took off/called out for a legit reason. Also, trying to hold something over the head of someone above you in the company you generally does not go to well especially with something like this. They'd be more lucky to punish the OP more than anything.

You didn't see me, and I didn't see you...

Lmao! I see this exact thing happening to me. In my own case, i will just turn up at work the next day to clear my desk because my boss is unforgiving! Smh!

jack_splat 11

Even sick people gotta shop.

Well since they did the same thing hopefully they won't make a big deal of you doing it.

Quite an awkward situation that must have been