By Anonymous - 24/01/2013 00:17 - United Kingdom - Canterbury

Today, I made my first snowman ever, and then cried when my big brother kicked it to pieces. I'm 27. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 063
You deserved it 10 385

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Those things are a lot of work. Personally I would be distraught if that happened to me.


xxEternalRain 13

I live in texas where we get EXTREMELY lucky to get snow. Even then its barley enough to make a snowman. I would've cried too

He ruined a special moment! Understandable, it's okay

sarah17xx_fml 10

I'm going out on a limb and saying op didn't live anywhere that it snowed! I know plenty of people that have never seen snow except on TV. Sorry op! I would get some ice cubes and put them all over your brother while he's sleeping!

Aww that's sad, you must have had a bad childhood if this is the first time you have made a snowman.

Not cool, brother of OP! What did snowman ever do to you?? :P

Your BIG brother? So he's at least 27, most likely older. Why is he kicking snowmen?

NotGabe 28

He kicked that childhood feeling down to nothing. Sad day~

KiddNYC1O 20

I would've started an epic snowball fight.