By Anonymous - 12/02/2011 16:52 - United States

Today, I made the discovery that I'm in a true love triangle; both of my girlfriends are dating one another. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 701
You deserved it 69 523

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ErbodyLuvsDaLulz 4
tacobird123 7

Why cheat in the first place you scum?


DigitalKnight 0

It's not a love triangle. It's a ******* cheating triangle.

kportal69 5

ehh it's true though. too many girls kiss another girl and scream I'm bisexual. you aren't bisexual until you've ****** the shit out of a guy AND girl. and that means give NOT receive.

Zigma_fml 0

Ummm... I'm not feeling sorry for you dude. For one: you have 2 girlfriends, and two: THREESOME!

tashempt 0

welll thats kinda good dude a threesome 2chicks

That would be totally awesome....i would love for my girlfriend to have a girlfriend

Dweron 0

most guys would find this a win, not a fml, then again most guys are stupid